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half the world

half the knows how to live
half the makes
half the world knows how to give
& the other half takes
half the world knows how to hate
the other half runs away
half the world is late
the other half praises the day
half is
& half was
half thinks
& half does
half the world forgets or lies
while the other half burns
you hear half as it cries
& the other half turns
half the world cares
while the other half weep
the other half shares
then you dont hear a peep
half the world sings
half the world laughs
half the world brings
& the other half tries to be the other half

I am awake,
with bloodstains.
Reaching for my axe,
bringing the rains.

My angels,
touching me.
They know,
they see.

Thanking the gods,
clear blue skies,
This path again,
my fears die.

My journey here,
towards the sun.
Just a man.
Hail! Odinson!

hey ppl .....long time.....hope everybody kool......
Funny Bunny
little Easter, the comedy bunny,
try too hard to be funny
she juggle and she drop d eggs,
all fall and break between she legs

poor Easter left d stage in shame,
and thought dat she mite change she name
but den pete bunny read this ad,
"This Sunday we need help real bad."

so Easter Bunny keep she name,
and tru d years has gain much fame
when Easter's Sunday comes each year,
she bring eggs and we will cheer
Division by zero.

You know I'm not asking you to tuck stray
locks of hair behind my ear, while speaking
Gently of things that leave me hot,again,
I supress my inclinations to leap,
and fall into illogical conclusions.

But to recoil would deflect cosy arms,
To respond would drain all my self control,
But you're so deft in your hintings, or I'm,
Deluded to match your actions with
my motives and marvel at how it all fits..

Weighed the odds, calculated, much like
You, bled like cuts from inconsistencies,
Weren't the answers I expected, or want:
That your charm is just a calming front for
Any fool you meet, not mine to stake my cliam...

I might ask, why you soften words with me,
Why your hands wander to where I'm not cold,
You're so willing to caddy when I can
carry my own, you always call, just to
ask about my day. But I know the answers.

I am not a nerd for the fasion sense,
I guess you feel sorry for me in My
Social inhibitions- You are the Jock
That looks out for losers,-I am the girl
Who needs a freind to you, you're so very wrong.

So this note, tells all, needing no response,
Talking personally,seeing your face,
would be too much, I'd ask too much of you.
Do these little guestures mean you like me?
Because, I'm not sure... If I'm allowed to like you...


A mild sepia sunset fades into dingy grey,
Burdened with the weight of a falling sand grain,
A murky empty well dug for no want of water,
Makes no promises of the dregs that remain.

But must be delved for the memories of ancient rain,
By a man unable to detach recall.
His autonomous reflections push past the spectrum,
Greens and lavenders, choking time to a crawl.

Soot thickens the labour binding like a heavy shawl,
Smoke of flames fanned by purple passions long dead
Is bondage and bandage to a crippled affection
It stifles the flow from a soul that once bled.

His work numbs him but he must endure the growing dread
Before he crumbles and combusts, being weak
And unable to freely feel, accept the absence
Of all he has revered, but will never seek.

Begging persuasion, comfort of the dark and the bleak,
Denying live colour for contrasts and greys,
Reveling in blindness a fortress of ignorance,
Lulled and complacent he squanders fading days.

With inklings of affections replaced by a haze
He dredges memories for licence to feel;
But that passion is stifled when grasped at too tightly,
He's gouging old wounds while intending to heal.

High attenuation strangles the electrons
Network poor-but workable, indicators green.
Signal to noise falls dead, snuffs simple connections
But she won't dare parse packets beyond the routine

Can't support the protocols, she handshakes goodbyes.
Unable to force the leap from wire to air.
Self blacklisted and now unable to reprise,
Re-establish and claim a link beyond a prayer.

She flirts with feelings in preference to persons.
And lacks resolution to match place and name
Her two bit encryptions transparently worsens
Her ability to forge tunnels to her flame.

If only she'd accept incoming requests to
Retrieve to repair her corrupted conventions,
Allow peers to share services that imbue
Strength to fight over insistent apprehensions.

She'd free her node from the slavery of botnets
And isolation groupthink will cease to snare her
She'd be free from the forced spin cycle of regrets
Only if imperative within her would stir.

come on guys post stuff at TTpoems.
to listen to me
to tell me all kinda tings
to help me out
to say nice tings to me
to share stuff wit me
to forgive me
to smile at me
to b honest wit me
to ask me to an for help
to tell me d truth
to love me
to remember me at all times
Wen I look at u, u hav a really big smile
but ah don't
u r pretty
But ah not
Some ah dem ppl r friends
and dat is friendship
but ah know dat other people are not kind and helpful
dey r bullies and I doh like it
I have got an empty place in meh heart
I wish dey were nice to me
dey have said sorry and are my friends now
We like each other
Written with a pen
Sealed with a kiss
If ur my fren answer me this
Are we frens or are we not
U told me once but I 4got
So tell me now n tell me true
So u can say i'm here 4 u
Of all di frens I've met
Ur the 1 I won't forget
Nif I die b4 u do
I'll go to heaven n wait 4 u
Roses are Red
Violets Are Blue
You love me
and i love you .. lmaoo best poem out there
dis is ah long time classic!!!

drink hot coffee
drink hot tea
burn ur lips
an remember me!!!
I found this romantic poem on a site, check it out:

My dear love, I wanted to share
My thoughts, my feelings and
What makes me despair
I want to share with you
What makes me happy; what makes me feel blue..
So you can sense that my love is honest and true.

Every day not a single minute
Passes by without you in it
Your skin, your voice, your body and your touch
All of these moments, I miss them so much.

You are so present, so deep in my heart
And our souls, I just know, will never part,
But circumstance and distance can be so overwhelming
They close doors and create doubt and we start blaming..

There are actions of mine and I know that for sure..
That feel so wrong, though my intentions are pure
They are painful and impossible to bear
And you feel it's all so unfair.

You can't run from yourself;
There is no place to hide
It just hurts you so deep
It hurts your heart and your pride.

Then I worry that if I continue to stay
Will it be wrong and will I be in your way?
I fear that I am not at all what you need
And that this truth will make my heart break and bleed.

Then I sit here and wipe away my tears
Wishing you could kiss away my fears
If only you knew how much€¦.
I miss and need your embrace and your touch

I know I can't hide from my thoughts and my fear
And I know at these times I don't seem near
But you break down these walls
With the strength of your love
And then I feel blessed
From God above!

My love for you runs so deep through my vein
That I dream of you, in spite of the pain.

Source: familyfriendpoems.com.