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Well As You Know I Only Write Suicidal Poems So Here's A Taste Of Some I Have Written

Just Let Me Be

Let Me be
I take this knife
Into My Hand
Too much to demand?

It will be okay
It will be alright
This is going to be
My very last night

I think if you were here
What would i say?
Because there is no tomorrow
And there is no more today

My hands slide down
The knife goes through
Jus think...This is
All Because of you

I'm rolling around
On the floor
Trying to get up
To lock the door
I hear your vioce
As death draws near
I See Your face
I Have no fear

Even in my death
Its you I can still see
why couldn't you

Written By Karina
Wishing - Written By Karina

What Good Is Wishing When you hav nothing to live for ?
What Good is wishing when you don't want to live anymore?
what good is wishing when all you want to do is end your life?
what good is wishing when you want to stab yourself with a knife?

What good is wishing when no one cares?
what good is wishing when your heart tears?
what good is wishing when no one loves you?
what good is wishing when no one cares what you do?

what good is wishing once you are dead?
what good is wishing when all you see is red?
what good is wishing when all you want to do is die?
its no good wishing so i say GOOD-BYE

Home- Written By Karina

This Place Where I Call Home
Is Certainly not the place i want to continue to roam
this gothic no where,
is the place in which i am, but i would rather be there
In Hell
Can't you just tell
i scar myself so i can see
that this truley is not the place for me to be
i should be dead, i should've died
but instead i have only cried
if only you knew just how much i want to die
when you tried to kill me, it was the one ting i looked forward to
to let my soul die
to the bright pits of hell
and if ya miss me, oh well
cuz you never showed your love to me
now you'll know i was serious, now maybe you'll see

GOOD BYE - Written By Karina

Everytime I Close My Eyes I See You
I Guess it must mean that the love i felt for you was true
If Only you knew just what you were to me
Maybe our love could've been 'meant to be'
If you would have spoken the truth and not have lied
Maybe I wouldn't have sat all alone and cried
For i knew then as i know now
My Life Had To End, all I Hafta figure out is how
Slitting My wrists, or hanging myself from a rope
Would Be Fast and easy to do if i do it correctly, that indeed i do hope
Please hurry up and say goodbye
And remember that i am the one who went thru all the pain & that i have shed enough
tears for us both so you do not need to cry


Within This Twilight World
Lies Emptiness And Hate
I Seek An Epic Journey
So That I Might Escape
Far Away From Reality
To A World Of Ignorant Bliss
I Come From Pain And Torment
To Embrace Salvations Kiss
I Welcome A Moment Of Hope
As Short As It May be
But The Hope Always Fades
And I Am Left Empty

Written By Karina

My Life Wasn't Worth Living~ Please Forgive What I've Done

Look Into My Life
And See All Of My Pain
Clouds Cover My Soul
And Continue To Dump Rain
Rain Comes Pouring Down
And Drowns Me In My Hurt
I Pound My Silk-Lined Box
As They Cover It With Dirt

Death Appears A Pleasure
A Way Of Leaving Here
Please Don't Cry For Me
Don't Wipe Away My Tear

For In My Silken Box
Peace I Will Finally Find
An Eternity Of Stillness
A Solace For My Mind

My Life Was Not Worth Living
You Are Not To Blame
Please Forgive My Heartache
In Your Heart I'll Be Tha Same

Written By Karina

Suicide- Written By Karina

I Hate myself
i want to die
i'll kill myself
And say goodbye
To all the bd things in my life
i'll end it all
with a knife
life is so hard
life is so tough
how could i live
a life so rough
will anyone miss me?
will anyone care?
when they see me
jus helplessly laying there
a note explaining my suicide
and apologizing for the times i lied
for all the times i hurt someone
the times i cried
will this world be a better place if
i could just die!

Written By : Karina

Once Upon A Time ~ In A Place Where I Dwelled
There Was Once A Boy ~ Who I Loved So Well

He Came And Took ~ My Love From Me
And Now He's Trying ~ To Set Me Free

And Even To Know The Reason Why?
So I Went Home ~ And Started To Cry

My Dad Came Home ~ And Searched Form Left To Right
But He Couldn't Find Me I ~ Was Out Of Sight!

But Down My Door ~ He Had Broke
And There He Saw Me ~ Hanging From A Rope

In My Pocket ~ There Was A Note That Paid
And This Is Exactly ~ What It Had Said

"Dig A Grave, ~ Dig It Deep
Marbles, Stones ~ From Head To Feet
On My Tombstone ~ Place A Dove
To Show The World I Died For Love...
Re: Poems and Therapy lol

Yeah I still need therapy,
Just more than before than i did when you left me
Yeah i still need some therapy
Though i'm not sure like before when i thought it would help me.
In this isolation I'm drawn to contemplation
Though all this meditation on things gone leads to frustration.
I think you need therapy.
You forget the neglect, lack of respect: that you've wrecked me.
You've cost yourself therapy.
You give up cant live up to the oath that you gave me.
We all need therapy.
To make it clear we can hear and understand each other completely
Where can I get therary.
To regain hope lose contraints to begin seeing clearly.
it seems as if you're the only one who is posting poems,
I'll give you a hand later when my exams easy up ok???
BTW! - Nice poems...
Heart Broken

You meant so much to me, you still do.

Theres just a problem, I've Told You Something And Made It Clear About Me That's True.

Distance got in the way, it managed to beat out my love for you.

It was hard for me to accept it, your words made me sad and blue.

It doesnt matter what I have to say, whats done is done.

I didnt even get a chance to show you how i felt, it was over before it had begun.

I knew that I would love you as soon as I looked into your eyes.

Does it matter anymore?, I cant be your prize.

I am not the type to let go easily,

I just wonder what could have happened, it gets to me.

Its sad that I lost you before I even had you, it wasnt supposed to happen like that,

I had plans to be with you, should I let go and stop acting like a brat?


You say that you wanted me also, why didnt you try harder to make it work?

You said that you loved me, if you did, why do u act like such a jerk?

Maybe I perceived you to be wrong, Maybe I just need to stop and think,

I just need to let go of you, I need to know that there will never be a link.

Can you please tell me how you feel and stop treating me like a fool,

Your boyish acts of wanting me then not are extremely mean and cruel.

You have to choose, do you want me or not?

I do honestly wish you would say yes, cuz my heart cant take anymore shots.
hmm poetry....brb

bak...hehe jus went for my collection on Facebook
A lil spoken word thingy I tried

Me Being Me by ME
Lets start with something very popular
I do not want to be another black statistic
See in the future
I want to be someone with something to eat
Somewhere to sleep
So that I wouldnt have to live on the street
Somewhere good to work
So I wouldnt have to steal to make ends meet
The colour of my skin is black but the colour of my heart is red
As I become darker I do not want to be dead
Whether it be by random target or a dealer in the drug market
I want to live
I want to be able to forgive
Someone for stepping on my shoe
Or for someone saying fuck you
I will not raise my right fist to hit someone
I will raise my hands in praise for I am God's son.
I'll live this life the righteous way
In order to stay
On this earth
Where My mother gave birth
To me
So I will be free
Not behind bars
Or the wheel of a stolen car
I will be free
Heart filled with glee
As I watch myself be
Whatever I wish to be

Kiss Me by EmpireKing
My mind lost within this abyss
Trapped there by that one kiss
That one kiss, that kiss that i now miss
That kiss my first kiss
That created such a bliss
The softness of that one kiss entangled
My mind
My thoughts,
Those lips i dare not forget
The tongue...ahh the tongue
A different experience
That kiss
My first kiss
How much I long for another just like that
Kiss me my love
Hold my head like you did last time
And help me to aim my lips
Take charge
And bless me with that heavenly embrace
Send me back into the abyss
Allow me to feel that bliss
Give me the happiness of feeling your kiss

I kno it kinda repetitive but i was in a rel high mood wen i write dat

daz jus two but i'll put more up in the future
Re: Poems at night

I aint that deep... but.
Over time you've seem to've gotten dumber,
And in my mind i feel a bit number.
I dont care 'bout the crap you choose to do,
It's just not fair that i should care the way i used to.
I shouldn't tell you this,
but i remember the first time.
All the chances i've missed,
But i doubt that i'd still mind.
Could care less about your life today,
Couldn't care less that we've got nothing left to say.
I've stopped feeling a long time ago,
And i'm not revealing it because there's nothing you should know.
Just that i've gotten colder,
And they good old days they are still getting older.
I shouldn't be telling you this,
But in days gone by its only you i miss.
I really want the things we should've had,
I'm too numb to tell- you're too stupid to listen and thats too bad.
Well Maybe i'm the dumb one here,
And maybe you're the one who needs to care.
What am I to do to make the one I love happy
What can I do to make her glad
Am I to become something that I wish not to be
Or am I to follow her rules to be happy
For you its different tho...

For you its different tho
This weird way I kno its love you show
The way you push me from left to right
The way we quarrel
The way we fight

I love you every single movement
From walking to running
Im happy even when we fight
Because some way I know
Your love will get me through the night

Is it really too much to ask???
May I or Can I be loved?
I want to be loved.....question is by who??
Curse my irregular sleep patterns

Aye...Who indeed.
untitled 137
Walk away,
Leave me here,
To decay,
I'll survive,
Another day,
Then I'll finally,
Fade away.
Nothing left for,
me to say,
I'll think of you,
When I pray.

But this will haunt you,
Like a bad case of indigestion.
I dont want to taunt you,
But there's just this pressing question.
Will you miss me,
like a bad case of hemroids?
Will you think of me
With every dude that passes and get paranoid?
Because I'm not that willing,
To just let go.
We just cant give in,
We cant deny what we know.

At least i think so.

Just go.
No bad feelings,
For me to show.
Nothing else that,
You should know,
No sticks and stones,
For me to throw.
No standing grudge.
for me to let go.
Please just..
Poems... and stalking.


I've rung LIKE SEVENTEEN TIMES honey are you alive.
Today is FK'd and i DOUBT IN MY MIND that i can survive.
It's getting annoying WHY ARE YOU TOYING with me.
Cuz i've been CALLING WHILE YOU'VE BEEN snoring soundly.
Are you TESTING ME cuz i'm an energizer battery.
G'll just keep CALLING AND CALLING you will answer eventually.
Please forgive me i'm just a little distraught.
I dont mean to be up so late... you'd be too i thought.
But you're LYING
I mean you're not even TRYING
Here i lay CRYING
You just cant ignore me DYING.
What stop acting like YOU DONT KNOW WHO I AM.
I'm sure you're in bed with that PUNK BITCH called sam.
What do you mean YOU DONT REMEMBER?
What did you say YOU'll slap me back to LAST SEPTEMBER?
How could you say we were never together?
HOW COULD YOU SAY- WAIT... i've got the wrong number! :| .....
sorry... mom.
I wrote this 1 at the age of 14, hope you all like it !!!!!!!!

I was young, both in heart and soul,
I was new both to love and this world.

I never knew you could be the way you are,
you were so close but now so far,
I think of you every second of everyday,
And I wish for all my pain you would pay,
But my wishes mean nothing,
They never do, atleast not to you.

Why stay when things are so bad?
They only cause pain, hurt and make me so sad
I never thought you would say wat you said,
And when you said it, I considered you dead.
My world came crashing down upon me
Because to my heart you were the only one who had the key

Life without you was so hard, so frustrating an so sad
But life with you is a million times more bad
Knowing you is something I regret everyday
And I pray to God each night to show me the way
It was a mistake and I am forgiven because

I was young both in heart and soul,
I was new both to love and this world
bY yOuRs tRuLy: RealSweet
ok a boy wrote this for me to ask me to deal........

At first when I saw you I taught you were sent from heaven
Cause the person that created you was the almighty one
From your head to your toe girl I will never let you go
From your foot to your cheek your so super unique
You always telling me things like how much you wanna be with me
I have been in Tunapuna before but I never seen someone with so much beauty
All I could say now is I wish we coulda get closer a bit faster
Casue I don’t mind calling u my future baby momma
I know it might be to soon to say that I love you so much
But look at you, what else could I ask for, it will never be much
We talk today finally and it was really touching
But someone call you and you call him your darling
I did not ask you what it was about cause I was extremely hurt
You even blow a kiss for him well that part I felt like dirt
I don’t know why but my feelings for you is undescribable true
If I coulda shown it in powers I woulda stop the world from spinning for you
Your full of everything that’s why your so special
Looks, beauty and even an outstanding education
I could never ask for more and even if I did I could never get it
You don’t know how bad I wish I was the first person you ever been with
I cant believe I am so addicted to you is so little time
But I know the best thing could happen to me is you being mine
u brace him ent