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Here is some info i found

What are the risks:

Herpes is probably the biggest STD risk during oral sex. Both strains of herpes can live in the mouth or the genitals, and particularly during outbreaks (cold sores, herpes lesions) can be passed from one place to the other. Many people have oral herpes, more than 50% of a random group of people will have antibodies to the virus (indicating some level of infection). Having oral herpes for most people is no big deal, a cold sore during times of stress or illness is usually little more than an annoyance. Genital herpes can be more complicated and uncomfortable, but there are treatments (see Herpes Fact Sheet for more info). Care should be taken so that oral herpes are not passed to anyone’s genitals. In general it is not a good idea to have unprotected oral sex while any lesions are present.
Chlamydia and gonorrhea can infect your throat, strep like symptoms, and are curable with antibiotics. These can also infect the eye, and though rare, eye infections can have serious consequences, so be careful with fluids.
HIV can be passed through unprotected oral sex, but it is more likely to be passed during unprotected penetrative sex. The infected semen/precum or vaginal fluid must enter the body through a cut or sore in the mouth or esophagus. The virus is unlikely to be passed from a person’s mouth to another person’s genitals.
HPV can be passed during oral sex, but it is rare. HPV has been found on vocal chords.
Syphilis can be passed similar to HIV. Syphilis is curable.
Hepatitis A is a risk particularly in oral-anal sex, and people engaging in this unprotected might want to look into getting a Hep A vaccine. Hep A is not a chronic condition like Hep B and C, but can make a person quite sick several weeks.
Its sicking to know what can happen when we don't protect ourselves properly...
And proper hygeine and proper steps should be taken if u know you are active
Silver with his youtube jokes. If you are posting any youtube vid jus give us an discription plz thats all i asking
Well let me put in my two cents...I LOVEEE IT!!!. Yes that's right..I use to have hang ups about that until one day this guy slobbered me down (chills just thinking about it)..That shit was so good and you know what made it even hotter , was the fact that he enjoyed me..Now I know this is not for everyone , but if you have an honest, committed relationship and you guys feel like doing the do to each other , I say, why not? People just have too many unnecessary hang ups about sex.. Me myself am very choosy about who I do this to..I've only done this to two guys in my life and both times your gul was in love...So I say all this to say, yes, yes and oh God yes!!!..lol
Hmmmm soursop wanna hook up? :p
I like your thinking lol
this is a definite no no for me now....so much diseases could be transferred thru this soo....NO!
kids kids kids...hmmmm only kids in dis section.....if yuh only knw how dat does feel ual wudnt b writing those comments......wit d right person yea......dont b afraid 2 experience.....once u trust yuh guul/man....n dey are tested before ne oral ting.....its get 2 try n experience it wudnt hurt u u'll jus go yeaaaaaaa babbyyyyyy lol
well...devil child....wanna try? lemme do sum field research den com bak an report my findings.
Do u know who devil child is ......she's admin's sister.....Fiyah in yuh arse Empireking lol
lol....more fiyah.....i am a full time pyromaniac....literally...i hav a fire obsession
lol i like d offer Empireking i'll do it 4 d promotion of d forum lol......................jus kiddin :)*
@ OP: Bahaha...well I didn't read the rest of the posts to see if you really did or not, but give it a shot man you might like it! It is not my favourite thing to do, but it keeps the gf happy, and I guess its only fair to return the favour!