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SignUp Now!Imax is awesome! The first movie I saw there was Prometheus, that blew my mind, then I went to see The Dark Knight Rises and the projector calibration was off, so the entire movie was blurry as hellIt's still the best way to watch movies IMO, but as Mr. Bollywood said, torrents is the best. A little tip, look for movies uploaded by YIFY, awesome quality, with small file sizes, 720p - 700mb, 1080p - 1.6gb on average.
Do you guys know if they reopened the south Caribbean Cinemas? I heard it has 10 screens and one of the screens is some new tech that they're now rolling out in their cinemas with a wall to wall, floor to ceiling screen and some super surround sound or something...I'll look for the article and post the link if I find it....sounds kinda IMAXY....What do you guys think?
MANGA YUH BACK!!! last time i passed they were fixing up the car park area. I would love to go for the experience. Does anyone think that they will have a high price too?
So today i went Movietowne and in theater 2 in d walk way lane to the middle at the left hv ah big stinking leak.....middle of the movie getting wet......not sprinkles but wash down, and not lik u can get up and move cuz d theater already filled and it so dark, and then they wanna talk about increasing prices.Fix d damn place 1st
The reason why i continue to go Movie Towne is because it's 9 mins away from me, i can never get time to watch a movie because the tv is always reserved for ZeeTv or Action Movies by my family, my laptop over heats and when it gets hot my mouse can hardly move and my Desktop always shuts down when playing movies/videos. Some of them are easy fixes but i no one wants to help me.