Kublalsingh Hunger Strike 2


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Jun 9, 2008
This Highway Re-route Movement have been formed due to the construction of the new highway in South that have uprooted many from their homes.
Many were forced to leave their "roots" that hold countless memories and move to a new location provided by the government or refunded. Some have said the land is an emotional tie to their relatives, passed love ones , childhood memories & even species of vegetation ( fruit , vegetable & decor/ornamental plants ) that have been brought from their ancestral homeland . Can you imagine the government evicting you from land that you legally own and have so many memories attached to that place you call home??

This is the second time that Dr. Kublalsingh is embarking on a hungry strike to plead to the PM to stop the construction before its too late and re-route where it can cause less impact on people and the environment. Since the highway construction, habitats have been destroyed, rivers have been cut off and caused marine/land disposition for many wildlife.
While people support Dr. Kublalsingh, some are saying this is not the way to fight, by suffering one's self.. Do you agree with the PM or Dr. Kublalsingh? Are you for the re-route or the present plans for the highway?
i agree that the highway should be built, can u guys tell me wat is in the Armstrong Report, Kublalsingh says halt the construction of the Debe to Mon Desir highway until a proper and scientific review is done, i doh understand any of that coz is hours of traffic ppl does face on a daily basis, it was overbearing for me in dat traffic so i say build d highway...
Dr kublalsingh has some valid points, I'm a strong supporter of environmental preservation, but at the same time the people of South suffer from tremendous traffic everyday! They are at every right to have their by pass highway!

This matter is a very sensitive one, as both have great reasons opposing eachother, but when the day boils down. The people will always think about themselves over the environment.
I agree that it will solve the traffic problem and bring in business to the areas. Then on a larger note what about the environment ? It's in our nature as humans to only think about ourselves and be selfish... what about the land we live on that has been cleared and degraded? Wildlife and ecosystems has been destroyed and hundreds of wildlife has been displaced.

While i am for the highway they should of think about that before making plans ...Yes we need to develop but people ! WE ARE A 3RD WORLD COUNTRY AND VERY SMALL IN SIZE! We need to be sustainable in our plans ! Sustainable development is crucial for our small countries.
well its about 21 day into his hunger strike...he looks frail and weak but he was very strong to talk to the media an reporters...kublalsingh was stated as "bubbly" an he said he knows what has to b done and is prepared for the consequences...can i ask u guys how long a person can last on a hunger strike...is this for the cause or for publicity now....don't get me wrong ..i love the environment but progress and upgrading have to go on in Trinidad and Tobago...
I will not support any one holding this country at ransom, so just say the Pm gives in and this causes precedent matter, then everyone who objects to something will just go on a hunger strike and the country will be held at ransom.
I don't know what will happen at this point on.. Government officials say let him die yes ! An impasse has been prevalent that the govt would not stop their plans . Kublalsingh needs to accept the fact now
his Doctor has withdrawn from caring for him after 23 days into his second hunger strike....Dr Asante Van West-Charles-Le Blanc
states she will still be available to him if an emergency occurs and will be happy to attend to him in any institution of his choice if he decided to stop this hunger strike...she is not goin to b a part of his death...and d plot thickens
Peter Minshall...mass maker were among supporters and reporters under a tent on Gray Street, St Clair where Kublalsingh continued his protest action for a 24th day....tellin ppl he is an artist an a good artist is a priest....he said "A good priest is an artist”....my take on this is that anybody want to b in the news and press...just go an shake hand and talk with Kublalsingh...this getting outa hand now...y dey dont carry him in st anns coz he is a danger to himself and oher young kids...he should b strap down to a bed an treated like a person who attempted suicide... those who encourage and applaud this is breaking the law of trinidad and tobago..buh d streets is a theater....every body acting now on the streets for Madam PM
You actually made an interesting point there.

Look how easily they carted off a Ministry employee to St. Ann's a couple years ago for standing up against being harassed at work.
True! I think he is beginning to think Suicidal now..But people look up to Kublalsingh including members of the Re-route movement and his die hard UWI students. He calls himself a leader? This is not what a leader does!

Saw this on Facebook just now.
A candle light vigil is being held outside St Clair Medical where Kublalsingh is being treated as he is in critical condition. As of two hours ago, the PM has arrived to see him.
Sometimes I Wish People Can Do This For The Dying Sickly, Poor & Needy In This Country! To Make A Stand To Help Them Get Better or Funds For Them To Do Surgeries Etc..Instead Here We Have People Who Stand By A Man Who Wants To Die Because Of A Highway That Is In Progress Of Completion Already!


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yeah...now see dat Wayne Kublalsingh in Very Critical condition in St. Clair medical centre at the moment....buh why d PM gone to see him...look how politician make time for what dey want..when dey want...for who dey want...an always have a reason why dey do it.....an d plot thickens....
well he's in critical condition, the time may have come for this to stop. they need to get some nourishment into that man. i passed on the highway just yesterday, its going to be completed and its going to be very helpful in the aid in traffic.

i really dont know what to say on the situation anymore

all i can do is quote captain spock

"the needs of the many , outweigh the needs of the one, or the few "- Mr.Spock
It's a sensitive situation.
Man destroys himself. While we might see it as nothing now, the bigger environmental problem surfaces and then we wonder how has this gotten so.
For example, the 2012 floods that caused extreme damages, losses and even claimed a life in Diego Martin and other parts of western Trinidad.
Look at invaders bay and the nothern range as it is being mined and quarried for Aggregate! Just now when we apparently reached "development" how would our environment look? Where would the animals be? What would happen to our vegetation and forests? How many habitats would we have left?
@admin, thats very interesting, how does he anticipate the effects on the environment if the highway doesnt pass through the lagoon? what was the point of all this?

i really am confused about the entire proposal at this point. What is the purpose of this man faking a hunger strike to avoid 3 cities benefiting from the bypass?

i feel he want to reach Debe/penal first so that all the doubles, and aloo pie dow sell out before he reach so he preventing the rest of them from getting to debe/penal first lol

thats why he so skinny!
To try and convince me and this society that he has gone for a month with no water defies scientific logic and insults my intelligence. A number of other persons have now joined his cause and are reducing his efforts to a “big joke”. What is frightening is that to many, this joke is serious. Thirty days without water in a tropical climate is a scientific impossibility, thereby discrediting all Kubs’ efforts.

This is so true, if Kublalsingh really abstained without food and water he should death within 9 days. This man feels this is a jokes yes playing with people's kind heart. http://adventure.howstuffworks.com/survival/wilderness/live-without-food-and-water2.htm