Is being on time a thing of the past?

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
Hey motors family, I've been noticing a lot in recent times that somehow at least 90℅ of the people I make plans with are always late by hours... Yes you read correctly hours.

Is this normal? Am I the only one that's actually on time?What do you think, are you the same way? Do your friends and family arrive hours later than the time given?
I guess you're right about that Saxman642. However, would such "Trini time" include no courtesy to at least make a phone call and communicate such?
Lol its more than Trini time
Waited 1 hour and a half to meet my friend so we could go to school back in December.. And he referred to it as normal
It have very few people that are always on time (I'd like to think of myself as one of them)
I remember going to an interview while reaching half an hour early and the interviewer looked at me and said " Why you reach here so early?!"
Her reaction shocked me to think,why is this an abnormal thing for someone to turn up early to an interview!

So its defining beginning to affect the masses where people just expect you to be late. I find it ridiculous but say what people will be people
Sonygroup thank you . I thought I was the only person that made it on time wherever I go. I have no issues with ppl being late as I understand things do happen but its the communication that's really lacking.
I end up just leaving and forgetting whatever was planned with the people involved when they operate like that as my time is really important to me and I wish that they could respect that in life its not always about them and what they feel like doing.

I've had people even ask me why I left early or were angry because I left the place of meeting before they could leave home(After 1 hour I don't expect one to still be home man).
That's the thing people no longer see time as important or respect it, there are few times I reach late to something, and its if I was planning to leave late. And I call people if the late and my calls go unanswered which annoys me so much because half the time they never want to say something pop up or I get up late. We in a live technological age,a call back or text makes a different. These simple things make me feel a little bit of compassion. Otherwise I vex because time is money for me sometimes!
I really dislike depending on others to get somewhere because it usually means I will risk running late. I used to aim to arrive at my destinations an hour early to cater for traffic, confusing directions, etc. If I ended up having an actual hour to kill before my appointment/meeting I would explore the nearby area or read, no big deal. I would rather be early with time for a relaxing walk or book than be late and waste someone's time. Trinidad is one place where I've realized arriving early or on time is frowned upon and lateness, even by more than two hours, is quite common and should be catered to. I feel like only the people who understand how valuable other people's time is takes the time to give them a courtesy call/text/whatsapp.

Not quite your point, but related: it is widely believed that people who are often late are unconsciously expressing their anger or resentment. If lateness is a Trini thing, what does that say about us as a society?
I hate being late. It makes me. nervous as I don't have time yo settle down and gather myself. I prefer to wait on someone than someone wait on me. But this is true. A simple text or call would me a good notice that you would be late. Apparently its too much to ask
Guilty.....I'm one of those late SOB's :ballchain: I usually call and inform the person that I'll be late though...but's an unfortunate habit.... :(
I must say, I agree with you each and everyone of you. It restores my faith in time but it also tells me something about the people.

Mangaddict, I do not think anyone will have a problem if you are late because you make it your business to inform them of such. In that case, provisions can be made to work around your lateness.

As for what Shadowhunter has said, I do remember thinking about the reasons why someone may be late and I figured as much as a secondary thought. Its just that lateness indicates resentment/anger without a spoken word when deliberate and when translated to Trini society it says a lot and I think you are correct, as the last person who arrived long after I left the destination was angry with me and tried to ridicule me on Facebook because they did not like how I acted and I was very much in my right since they asked me why I had left. I told them very politely, its their lack of communication which caused problems. They essentially told me they did not really care and then seemed to not like me telling me them that so they decided to ridicule me on my status.

Yes Sonygroup those unanswered calls to the late people do cause frustration, I have stopped calling people who I know are going to be late by hours as I think it is bad manners to not say something and then its just inexcusable when they refuse to answer their phones.

Also I see what Steven Ramadar is talking about, it makes me feel very unsettled and my heart races long after I arrive at my destination when I'm late. I also hate making people wait on me. Sadly it happens sometimes and in those unavoidable times I make it my top priority to offer this person my apologies and my explanation and my ETA.
What does get me ? When they say " Aye i nearly reach" - Even though they now get up or hours away!:argue:

When they are not answering your calls as time draws near. Oh my gorm!

When they do answer they making up one set of lies and you can see right through them!

When they show up late and expect you to be good with what went on .. Geeeee!
LadyDeath, don't forget the traffic excuse. Even if you can hear the cars zooming past them or the breeze through the phone. Better yet if they sound like they just wake up and you can hear people in the house cooking, tv playing etc. Yup, it's traffic.
Hahahaha I never had that one yet where they try using traffic as the excuse but a TV is audible in the background.

Yes that's very frustrating and I do end up waiting am extra 5-15 mins and then I leave when they use the almost there excuse.

The not answering phone I have to wonder If its linked to creating this busy impression and lifestyle which is the downfall of Trinidadians.
True....I've been in the company of people who deliberately ignore their calls because they don't want to talk on the phone/to the person and later contact them to say they were busy lol

I am guilty of not answering my phone. Personally I don't like talking on the phone and usually have too much going on to give the caller the respect of remembering what they called for etc (my son also loves reaching for my phone and hiding it. And I usually forget where I put it when I hide it from him lol) so I ask all my contacts to text/whatsapp/email instead so they're guaranteed a focused reply when I have the time.
I think thats fine, you have a valid reason to do so. I rarely get calls and I like it that way. Whenever I make calls its usually for very important matters and sometimes it extends into hour long discussions if needed. Its more for serious conversation in a timely manner than for casual convo which I leave to the messaging.

Yes I too have noticed that some people ignore calls and then right in front of my face say what their excuse will be when they call back the person later. Its even gone as far as people switching the phone off and calling it on a dead battery because they were trying to avoid the person rather than just answering and saying that they're busy or can't talk or will call back. Not even a message they send. Often times, this is the case when they are in my company but really should be elsewhere.
I don't think I ever get involved into a situation where I see the person hanging up or switching off their phone. That for me would definitely be a turn off.

I like straight up people who can just tell me up front, what is the real problem and such. I'm not one for excuses
I don't think I ever get involved into a situation where I see the person hanging up or switching off their phone. That for me would definitely be a turn off.

I like straight up people who can just tell me up front, what is the real problem and such. I'm not one for excuses
I always say that too, I prefer people tell me if they just didn't want to come rather than make excuses or arrive by force.
Agreed. I have a lot of respect for people that respect my time. I've stopped "running down" people that can't answer my calls or return my messages. Once is understandable, but when it happens often enough to become a habit, it's not something I appreciate or enable. If you can't answer my calls, I send a message. If you can't respond/reply to either, there's a pretty good chance it's intentional. If not, you have my info and know how to get back to me at a more convenient time to you while I focus on the rest of my life. I've found this technique decreases my stress a lot when dealing with people and takes off the responsibility I feel of getting vital info to people who don't really care.