Is being on time a thing of the past?

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Agreed. I have a lot of respect for people that respect my time. I've stopped "running down" people that can't answer my calls or return my messages. Once is understandable, but when it happens often enough to become a habit, it's not something I appreciate or enable. If you can't answer my calls, I send a message. If you can't respond/reply to either, there's a pretty good chance it's intentional. If not, you have my info and know how to get back to me at a more convenient time to you while I focus on the rest of my life. I've found this technique decreases my stress a lot when dealing with people and takes off the responsibility I feel of getting vital info to people who don't really care.
That's true. I started to share your view and it has reduced the internal tension by a large extent.

It's a simple matter of showing what type of people you're dealing with as well.
True Steven, but it's also a matter of knowing who you're dealing with as well. The people that respect my time are my first priority and usually have the courtesy to let me know ahead of time if they will be unavailable or late, or can explain afterwards. Those who do not and get angry at you for expecting them to hold true to the agreed time/date or avoid the calls/messages for unknown reasons get pushed to the bottom of the list. Under different circumstances I would patiently persevere with everyone involved, but this way works for me right now and my stress levels are thankful for that. For me it's not a matter of retribution at all, but of prioritizing my own schedule and sanity and respecting myself enough to know when I've done my part and can step away to focus on more deserving things. And yes, tardiness/commitments do show you another side of the people you're dealing with as well and I am extremely partial to those that can honor that.
well ive read through the thread so far, and i have to admit sometimes i am very late, however generally i try to be early, for doing as such, i set my watch 10 minutes fast to ensure im atleast 10 minutes early, my alarm clock is set 30 minutes early as well , so i try my best to be on time as much as possible , but as this is really the Trini Time , where 20 minutes could mean 2 hours or so

ah rite dehhhhh could mean you now leaving home,

and the best yet is , boi look i now reach boi,

and yuh now getting up to get ready lmao!
True Steven, but it's also a matter of knowing who you're dealing with as well. The people that respect my time are my first priority and usually have the courtesy to let me know ahead of time if they will be unavailable or late, or can explain afterwards. Those who do not and get angry at you for expecting them to hold true to the agreed time/date or avoid the calls/messages for unknown reasons get pushed to the bottom of the list. Under different circumstances I would patiently persevere with everyone involved, but this way works for me right now and my stress levels are thankful for that. For me it's not a matter of retribution at all, but of prioritizing my own schedule and sanity and respecting myself enough to know when I've done my part and can step away to focus on more deserving things. And yes, tardiness/commitments do show you another side of the people you're dealing with as well and I am extremely partial to those that can honor that.

I like how you stated this. Its very well written to say the least. I operate with the clock. If I go to be like these people and operate when I feel like, then I may as well just not socialize because I'd be wasting everyone's time and that is the most valuable asset we have in this world.

As Mr.B has said, he moves early to compensate for any unforeseen circumstances. I used to do this and I realized that I was wasting my time which I could have better used to do my duties/whatever small objective I had planned before I actually go to meet this person.(Sometimes oiling and reinstalling a K&N Filter takes a 10 mins and a 5 to let it soak in which avoids me having to take a drop, etc)
Thanks nirtime! I definitely feel similar with regards to better use of time in these situations.