Guilty Or Not Guilty?

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Haha, you sure Karrie? Lol. Not Guilty on the fly.

Ever lost your appetite cus you saw someone else eating and it turned you off?
Nope I Always Hungry.....

Ever think that the tooth fairy was real long time ? maybe still do!!!

ever hide ah snack in d fridge an eat it alone?...... :evil:
GUILTY. I do that all the time. I live with my older brother and its either eat it now or starve later.

Ever eat someone's stuff and blamed someone else?
Guilty. That happen to me a few times this week already!

Ever get in an accident while you were talking on your cellphone?
Not Guilty..

Ever get stopped by the PoPo and you stummering at them because you frighten ?
Not Guilty. Only got stopped once on a roadblock but the man was pleasant.

Ever dock school and went somewhere to lime?
Not Guilty....

Ever mistaken someone for someone you know and real talk to them and stuff?

Ever try 2 burn ah jep nest an when yuh see all d jep drop everthing and run
Not guilty.

Ever fantasize about a classmate/co-worker or friend in an intimate way?
GUILTY. Lol. We all do it (even if we don't really DO IT :p)

Ever snuck into a movie?
Not Guilty, I did however sneak in one in cinemas 8 but that was by accident so i sneak bak out :rolleyes:

Ever was on the brink of falling asleep while driving?

ever so hungry yuh ask for seconds ..knowin dey have limited amount?
Not guilty...although my friend almost buss a casino.

Ever lie just to fit in?
I'm always guilty of that

Ever lie to people saying you supporting a political party and you vote the other party?
Not guilty,I never vote before

Ever go to a ceremony and after yuh receive food and finish it,yuh want more but yuh wouldn't go back for any cause yuh trying to look humble.