Guilty Or Not Guilty?

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Haha. Not guilty but I fed up roll in it.

Ever went to the beach at midnight?
Not black face...

Ever go a whole day without brushing yuh teeth?
Ermmmm....Guilty but doh think i nasty i was sick and slept until in the evening i now get up

Ever pelt an animal?
Guilty. But I realise is because some people suck the life out of you!!!

Ever make out with your pillow? Don't lie eh!
Erm...nooooooo. Lol. Yeh, Guilty. And doh lie cool3ni, you know you love up that pillow already!

Ever ate stale bread?
Guilty..Stale kiss Bread on the exact expiry date printedon the bag.

Ever wanted wished you friend's girl friend/boyfriend was yous instead?
@TFM Nope not lying on that one,never made out with my pillow,honestly that thought never crossed my mind,maybe cause pillows are not the highlight of my bed.

Not Guilty on getting caught naked,but it was the other way around for me,I walk in on people naked,what an awkward moment may I add!

Ever was in a public place and you innocently walking or looking around and you see people in the act of having sex.
Not guilty.. but i wished though!!!

Ever got caught watching p-o-r-n?
Hahaha not guilty. I'm sure to lock my door.

Ever caught someone who was watching porn?
Guilty...but i'm not saying who lol

Ever had someone blame you for their habits eg. drinking
GUILTY...all da time...lik da habit i hav of writin on friendz mak it seem lik a hav a drug prob...

ever hav 2 explain away a REALLY bad grade 2 a parent, & come really close 2 slippin up wit da truth?
Not Guilty,thankfully even with bad grades telling the truth was no problem there for me.

Ever get shock or hurt by something and then mischievously bring others to try it out knowing very well what the outcome will be for them too.
Guilty...who don't do that lol

Ever take the blame for someone ?
Ever saw your parents in compromising position?