Guilty Or Not Guilty?

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Ever phoop while yuh fart an didn't know wat yuh go do?
Once...but ah was home

Ever hit ah dog ah big stone for doing #2 on your lawn?
Nope. Don't have lawn.

Ever went to work or school with no underwear on?
Ummm Guilty when i was smaller but i changed it LMAO

Ever trip on a pavement? chag!!!

Ever got an opportunity for promotion an some ppl were so stupid yuh just feel to tell dem to shov it an just leave?
Not guilty..i wudda send him right back where he came from

Ever went to the beach and saw someone in the nude?
Nah not guilty.....Lmao

Ever smell so stink you yourself get grossed out ?
lol @rina

Guilty. when you are working mom and have small kids and running behind them, and have to clean house plus work out that is the worst.

Ever had a black out?
No...but ah get drunk an do other things lol!

Ever get licks for coming home drunk?

Ever fart in public and blame it on someone else ?
lol guilty

wen drinkin wit friends ever pretended to be drunk so u can do all kinda madness to do ppl wickedness and get away with it