Guilty Or Not Guilty?

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Guilty! Happens all the time, especially when I am talking to my friends while we're waiting in the lines to see a movie.

Ever lie and forget the lie and get caught?

Ever smoked a cigarette?
Guilty. Not for me.

Ever wanted to jump kick someone?
Guilty enough to be on death row lol

Ever dated different women (or girls fuh some of allyuh) at the same time ? lol
NO because i am not a lesbian ..

Ever fall and people laugh at you and you start to laugh to because u felt embarass
Rachel Green (Come nah man, give me a more difficult one lol)

Have you ever fell asleep during a religious service or function ?
Guilty. ah tell them ah was saying my prays

Ever fall asleep with yuh mouth open an ppl put paper in it?
Not guilty!! Bahaha, that is kix though.

Ever wondered what if?
All de time.

Do you like p-o-r-n?
not guilty.

Ever leave home for school, but never went.