Guess what happened 2 me today

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New Member
Jan 22, 2010
I met an old co-worker on henry street yesterday, the bad thing about it is his now an insurance salesman with guardian life and now d man wouldn't leave me alone dread

Lol at De doctor dre, hmm my day was crappy as usual was vex today and it seems like what ever i do people always seem to be getting angry at me hmmm
i had a math test 2day...ive been hopin i passed...
Aint too long wake up from a 14hr sleep,so yea nothing much happened today.
cool3ni said:
Aint too long wake up from a 14hr sleep,so yea nothing much happened today.
:Blink: :Confused: howdss dah happen???

Today i was planning to duck my maths class (again) cuz i already thinking that ah failing... but when I went we get we first exam!! lol I wasn't hard except for one question .. so cool i still on track.. :icon_razz:
Nothing exciting really happened to me today...o' yeah, I went to a class that the company sent meon and the session was like therapy... thats all.
I answered a call from a friend I've been docking for 3 weeks! Damn you private calls!
RauCous said:
cool3ni said:
Aint too long wake up from a 14hr sleep,so yea nothing much happened today.
:Blink: :Confused: howdss dah happen???:
Been getting assignments back to back in school,and had about 4 hrs sleep in the past 3 days,so since I had a holiday today I slept all I can.
I went 2 work today and when I got there reanne had on her head phones watching a movie as usual
But like she went down d road buy doubles aready so she gave me 1
Ah was trying 2 tell her something but she couldn't hear me so ah go tuh touch she with d doubles bag an as ah go tuh touch she she turn around an ah hit she straight in she eye
So today ah hit girl ah doubles in she eye with she own doubles :eek:mg:
all dat ive been waiting 4 spring break 2 start...i still have 5 minz...
i feel so stressed out today...My family left me and gone toco to camp until monday and i like ah lil momo home :(....but i know i did the right thing
-Karrie said:
i feel so stressed out today...My family left me and gone toco to camp until monday and i like ah lil momo home :(....but i know i did the right thing
Is this a subliminal hint telling us and others (Admin) that yuh home alone???? Hmm??? Admin, ah hope yuh getting the hint? :hiya:
nah my mom home wid me ...btw me and admin not sneaky lol
Lol...haha, I was thinking the same thing. Lol...what happened to me today boy? Hmm...I ate rel cake and pastries. Mom open a bakery today!
Doh study it Karrie.. de cat out de bag already. Doh try to save face.. is small ting!
save face? Wtf lol.... anywho i went toco for the easer n' it was awesome
Was going beach with Admin & family , when ah ready to go and ah i try to call them, no body answering the phone...even thought if was a bit late, we was still coimg ...yet still no body answer dey phone...