Fix our country first Mr Prime Minister

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Do you really get what our prime minister is trying to do please someone please help me to understand but i just don't get it, we have
Poor health services in the country
Vagrants (people still eating from the dust bins)
Food prices are high
Lack of jobs, people being fired everyday.
Crime on the rise
Bad roads and infrastructure
Not everyone in the country has water (not consistent water supply)

Plus many more

So please why is the Prime Minister helping other Caribbean countries when we have all these things to attend to, is he saying that these stuff that i out lined here is not something to be bothered with. We have a prime minister who care about his status and not about the well being of the country, This is 20/20 vision Trinidad and Tobago. Shame on the prime minister and the people who support him on this move.
So are you saying that in you own life, if you have only a glass of water to drink and a neighbor who has been good to you, asks you to share your glass of water, you'd only care about yourself and say hell no, or would you give him a few sips of water and hope that it sustains him until he can get a full glass of his own?

Do you know, that when us lazy Trini's didn't want to work, workforce from Grenada, St Vincent, Barbados were brought in to help supplement our Security services, Oil fields etc? Come on, it can't always be about politics! When Grenada etc was hit hard by hurricane Ivan, weren't you affected by that and wanted to help these people in need. Well thousands of Trini's did show that they cared and help was sent.

I know we have numerous problems to fix here and I am the first one to condemn the Gov't not the PM because the Gov't includes the Opposition, but I prefer to lend a helping hand because LIFE IS A FULL CIRCLE and when it's my time to get help, I PRAY THAT SOMEONE WILL LEND A HELPING HAND.
Don't you?
But still this is the work of the Gov't To do and if they cannot do it who will..that is why many people such as Ian Alleyne and many more are making a stand but other people of the country only critisizing them and saying stupid things and will not help themselves
You have to understand Tiana P i do get what your saying but don't over do it is what i'm trying to say, yes help i never said no but not pumping millions actually billions, if the government whats to help other countries they should budget the amount of money in aiding other countries not just say today we will give 10 million and tomorrow 20 million and don't have a budget for it,
Too much of our money is being spent and do you really see the money reaching the hands of poor people simply no, only the rich getting richer, do you really see money is being spent in the hospitals, alot of police stations don't have working vehicles or non at all, but the prime minister so want to big up up while we still suffering here its a sad day.
Thats correct they using our tax money to do the stupidest of things right now they need vehicles in longdenville police post also more police force there because its a hot spot. for 8 DAMN YEARS the villagers have been protesting and nothing has been done. And you are standing up for these people Tiana? U Really Blind
well today PATRICK MANNIN named center city a college coz PNM havin meeting there now, Mr pm only talkin about stopin race talk for d past half hour. some ah dem there dont have food to eat but dey clappin at everything he say, come on people most bread winners in d homes are being murdered. alot of kids are being abues, lets do a gd deed every day an make a difference NOW
yea d same money he takin 2 host dem lil rally in d constituency n advertising he cud use dat same money 2 help sumbody.....dat biga** house mansion he hv...if he care so much he sud invite d homeless ppl no d victims house dat burn dwn he sud invite dem..he hv plenty d fancy wine, food, cars.....we all need dat.....cum on PM we nt sayin dont njoy life but we sufferin aswell our country is 2 wealthy 2 b lik dis
No well like we tax money helping he real plenty because he could leave we "TOP AH D LINE " health sector and go to fly to Cuba to receive he treatment. Thats why he have anything he want today because of stupid us really sad
They showed his house on crime watch the other day and if you see how big top ah the line buisness. manning doh make joke darlin when it comes to our tax money . i hate him with all my guts he has never done anything good for our community
@Drunken Master
"hate" is a very strong word to use. Don't matter if you agree or not with him.
With that said...I agree with TianaP a little. It's important that we help our fellow Caribbean neighbours...but not at the expense of "our" people. The amount of taxpayer's money that he is supposedly giving to others is rediculous. In my humble opinion, Mr. Manning is more interested to adding status to his tenure instead of actually serving the people. Government is put into power "by" the people "for" the people. They work for us!!! When was the last time you heard of our Prime Minister bringing his future plans to society. The meeting concerning the Smelter was a sham. Cause despite the numerous rejections by the people, he still plans on bringing it..jump high jump low. Was there consultation in spending billions on the Water front project? Or the private jet he wanted to purchase? Or the planned 40 miillion dollar tv screen he want to put on the side of the Government campus in POS? Or the rapid rail project? Or the mansion in St Anns with the 3 million dollar drapes? Or his plan to sieze recreational land in St. Anns behind Queens Hall? Or the land he wanted in the Queens Park Savannah? I could go on. Manning does not have the country's well being at heart. He has lost his way. His ego has outgrown its present quarters. They are lots of ways he can spend taxpayer's money that we the people can benefit from. Fix our hospitals, our schools, infrustructure such as roads, rivers, drains etc... Show the people something tangible.
He you seen the Prime minister's Palace, that man is living in luxury. I really used to like the intelligence of the prime minister but now i think he's scheming us. You know when election time come they will be begging for our votes to win back election and say they will do this and do that and help the poor people and improve our health sector. But they do nothing is only at election time they tend to do more for the people now they act like Governance is a birth right, like all the luxury a king endures. Shame Shame SHame
Yes sita i hate him but not for a person. i hate his actions , his character and what he has become with all this money he getting sweetened up . We not asking for plenty here prime minister. we jus asking you to show us some humanity as a fellow citizen and understand what we have to face day to day . you are living in luxury and we are living in a lower class than you and i know you cannot help how the way it is but you can help us alot by giving us the right to have good facilities etc and love our trinidad once more . jus listen to our crys and fix the things right now that we demand
them ah care spent it out..............candyann do not say any thing ............
Well...we'll have to hold out until the next General Elections in 2012 to vote him out. Cause he definitely aint going nowhere before then.
vote who out man, like u not livin in trini oh wot, pnm is here to stay my friend!!!
come 2012. ppl gettin free hand outs so who givin dat up i c dem daily so trust me ,
pnm eh goin no where!!! :nono:
it have 3 pregnant ladies in d URP gang in school , just tell me wat d arse dem doing in ah sanitation gang, d ppl does only come an sit down till 1pm, ah does c dat every day!!!
u think ppl want dat to change
Hmmm...OP I understand your point. Often times our gov't is quick to send money eveywhere but we have many problems here that takes years to get attention. I pretty much have a basic opinion, if you can clearly see a problem somewhere else, why can't you see it here too. I'm not saying, don't send money where ever, but fix here too. Too many citizens are suffering in our country, and it not taking a natural disaster to cause it.
And trust me it would not take a natural disaster for anyone to realize it . Manning please help us here who are suffering, who have to drive on the nation's road, who have to drink the nasty water coming from those pipes, the drought we have to face in some areas, the crime nearly everywhere, our infrastructure etc. U see you are fixing up where you get the most votes buts thats not the case. U owe us so much !
Like my good friend recently put in an article he sent to the express: "Like we go be first world with big building and pretty money"