Evolution or created by god


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Evolution or created by God is the question you are going to ask yourself after you see or read this(but i know what i believe in as i will wait for you all to respond to reply)


The 47 million year old fossilized remains of a primate is seen at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

Feast your eyes on what a group of scientists call the Holy Grail of human evolution.

A team of researchers Tuesday unveiled an almost perfectly intact fossil of a 47 million-year-old primate they say represents the long-sought missing link between humans and apes.

Officially known as Darwinius masillae, the fossil of the lemur-like creature dubbed Ida shows it had opposable thumbs like humans and fingernails instead of claws.

Scientists say the cat-sized animal's hind legs offer evidence of evolutionary changes that led to primates standing upright - a breakthrough that could finally confirm Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

"This specimen is like finding the Lost Ark for archeologists," lead scientist Jorn Hurum said at a ceremony at the American Museum of Natural History.

"It is the scientific equivalent of the Holy Grail. This fossil will probably be the one that will be pictured in all textbooks for the next 100 years."

A team of amateur fossil hunters discovered the near-perfect remains inside a mile-wide crater outside of Frankfurt in 1983.

Experts believe the pit was a volcanic caldera where scores of animals from the Eocene epoch were killed and their remains were kept remarkably well-preserved.

Though the pit has been a bountiful source of other fossils, the inexperienced archeologists didn't realize the value of their find.

Years later, the University of Oslo bought the 95%-intact fossil, and Hurum studied it in secret for two years.

His colleague, Jens Franzen, hailed the discovery as "the eighth wonder of the world."

"We're not dealing with our grand, grand, grandmother, but perhaps with our grand, grand, grand aunt," Franzen said.

The unveiling of the fossil came as part of a carefully-orchestrated publicity campaign unusual for scientific discoveries.
well this is what i was talking about when i was telling you about the google sign lol


but yes im guessing that it evolved, because i can't really picture how these creatures were created, but i do believe that they formed out of bacteria and stuff like that then became mutated and transformed and more complex than how they started out before. You know, from like a one celled organism to a transformed fully self functioning primate like animal. btw i think she's kute,.
What a load of bull. I believe in both science as well as religion. What i don't believe in is that Human beings "evolved" from primates. I think its risdiculous. Its just another effort for those who seek to further seperate mankind from God. To discredit what we believe. If anyone here claims to believe in God, how can you put such weight behind stories like this. If one believes that he/she is the result of evolution from an "animal" then that person cannot claim to believe in God. For no-where in the Holy Bible is thier mention that man eveolved from an animal. He was created "man". We as human beings struggle to gain control over things we cannot control. There is no way to prove nor deny the origin of mankind. So these so-called scientists come up with a so-called rational explanation.. That's what science is all about. To prove why, when , where and how. Think of it this way, simple example. How many of us watched a series caled The X Files. Moulder goes by faith, believing in "just maybe factor". believing that there are things that science cannot explain nor account for. Scully on the other hand is steadfast in her belief in Science. And she struggles or finds alternate more rational theories to situations where things are but rational. Its her brain tryin to cope with a situation where there is no rational explanation. Moulder represent those of us that believe in faith, that there are things that science cannot account for. Scully represents those that seek to understand things rationally when there is no rationality. These scientists believe in science so much that they live by science. Others believe in religion or faith and they live by that. God created "man". "Science" in its entirety is a gift to man from God. Knowledge, understanding and vision. Don't get me wrong. i don't think that Science is evil or anythin like that. Science is a tool. How we use that tool is what matters. We can use it for the greater good and achieve so much. Or we can use it for bad and achieve much...much destruction. Science is a dangerous thing in the wrong hands (metaphorically). So stories like this are crap, and I treat it them as such.. "The truth is out there!"
i agree with wispa, hmm i just don't know what to believe, i don't think we'll ever be able to figure it out, it's kind of like saying people go to heaven when they die, but we really wouldn't know that until we die so i doubt that we'll ever find out about how we ever really came about. Another thing that makes me angry is that evolution/creation/religion is against the law to teach in public schools here, i think that's just wrong.
Ok one thing about when we die we will go to heaven or go to hell is a lie taught in alot of churches the bible never said that if you read the revelation hell in not an eternal place, its dormant no activity. The our soul do die its not everlasting as people say, and only 24 marids will go to heaven thats 144 000 they, 24 will be high priest. People should read the bible a little more. The rest will either be destroyed the evil doers and the good the religious will be the great crowd that will be in paradise on earth.

Hell is Gehenna a place in bible times where they used to trow evil doers into a pit out side a city(can't remember the place) where the bible describes the pit, that the bodies will be burned by the shoring sun and be eaten by the wild animals.
If anyone wants prof i will post the chapters
Judging from the comments, no one seems to be thinking outside the box. People we need to be much smarter and focus on facts not myth. We believe in books that was written by men, who claim was God's word, then why dont we write a book too and say the same, entittled the evolution of God's word (say it was a vision from God). People their is one creator that gave everybody the same size of brains, mind, body and soul,, ohhh Please use the damm thing nah. One question, would you believe a realistic event or a myth( he say, them say)? So folks rethink your comments.
RAKESH said:
Judging from the comments, no one seems to be thinking outside the box. People we need to be much smarter and focus on facts not myth. We believe in books that was written by men, who claim was God's word, then why dont we write a book too and say the same, entittled the evolution of God's word (say it was a vision from God). People their is one creator that gave everybody the same size of brains, mind, body and soul,, ohhh Please use the damm thing nah. One question, would you believe a realistic event or a myth( he say, them say)? So folks rethink your comments.
I understand what you're saying to a point. In summary my comment was based on that very angle you're working. People would believe in what they think is right! Those who believe the "fact" factor will abide by those laws. And I quote "People we need to be much smarter and focus on facts not myth" This sentence taken from your comment further cements what i have been saying. While i dare not assume, it seems you believe in the "what, why, when, where, how" philosophy. While I have no quams with that and I respect it as the opinions of another, I think that you should do the same for those who believe in something more. I believe that there is something more to our existence. That I or mankind for that matter "did not" crawl out of the proverbial cesspool and evolved into what we are today. I quote again from your comment "People their is one creator that gave everybody the same size of brains, mind, body and soul" Who is this one creator that you refer to. Surely not "god". Because in essence, the being that is "God" is a myth. There is no-one who can prove that he exists. The same as there is no-one that can prove that he doesn't. I choose to believe that he exists. Why? Not because i can prove it, but i think its better to live my life like there is a "God" and die and there isn't one, than to live like there isn't a "God' and die and there really is one. Simple!
I MISS ALL THIS?? ok fine i'll read it before i post.. But i dont get it aren't people apes and not primates.. er. i mean thats what the theory first postulated.. how are we related to primates now.. we cant be from all branches in the tree now can we.. of course i dont take evolution seriously so i dont really care.
To: Wispa65

Point well taken. But the creation of everything is the evolution of another. But I believe the world started long before BC/AC. There is even religion that has existence long before that time. What I believe in is that every generation has a leader (what we term as God's son) Christ was there, there were others before him, now it Sai Baba, after we have to wait and see who it will be. Just has christ, buddha, hanuman, Sai baba etc have their followers, this is the world's evoultions. Money, Nations etc determine the strenght of these religion and the number of follower, example in christ days the followers was very mininal when compared to now (all about promotion,missions,advertisements, worshipers, power influencers eg NGO's and Governments etc). In slavery days, christianity was literally forced down people throat, that was all they knew about, just as we are taught 1+1 is 2. Myth vs Fact.
You started a nice discussion and let us expect those who are religiously program and closed minded will be against this email, but say what they probably don't know better.
To Rakesh

I see your point. I too believe the world started before BC/AC. The "BC" stands for Before Christ. And alot happened before Christ set foot on earth. So yes the world has alot more history than that. The bible peaks of this history. But as you hace stated man wrote the bible. He could say anything and claim to be inspired by God. We'll never know. So all we can do now is let bygons be bygons... Good to have a refreshing convo every once in a while.
Hmm the devil works in myserious ways..ever heard that saying?

I know facts is facts but i do not believe in evolution and we evolved from primates..are we pokemons? So if people believe in evolution bullcrap then they beileve in warewolves and mermaids and stuf because there were fossils and sightings that claim to be from them..i know what you are seeing in that picture looks like a animal/human but do u think that the bible would of mention these things? If we had evolve from these things would the bible state Adam and Eve..No religious books state these things and to me i say the devil works in mysterious ways and he goes all out to make sure that we believe that god doesn't exist and we just put on earth here to live and dead and not serve a purpose. There is always some form of omega or Creator that made us.. and there are also somethings that scientists cannot prove like a simple thing like how do we cry? what triggers tears and the noise we make? how does our tear glands automatically start to produce tears when we start to feel down? and you will tell me that you are listening to other men about life. Are they sidekicks?
To Ariyah

Wispa, we need to expand Ariyah Knowledge, I repeat my quote" People need to be open Minded" Facts vs Myth. The things you question about tears and noise etc, are all part of genetics. The human body each day, is being understood more and more, example years ago the things we know now, our ancestors didn't. We have to get out of the ancestral world and do some critical thinking. Have you ever experience a lesson in thinking outside the BOX. Try it. But I empathize with you. I once think like you. BTW, what year was the bible written?
ok wow we have so much comments on this lol, im soo confused, but my question is, do you think that we would ever really find the answer to this question in time to come?
Why is this turning into a debate of on God? I thought it was on the scientific validity of the theory of evolution. Its the only widely accepted "scientific" theory that hasn't been scientifically and empirically proven. Yes I am talking about proof. If being unprovable makes something invalid then evolution really does have no place in a realist scientific minded society. Thats not my point though, the main problem is that the original hypothesis of evolution is disproven but for some reason there is this incessant need to have a "competing" theory to creation as if it would lead to true enlightenment or absolute knowledge. We all know it really sought to replace the need for a creator being.. supreme or not. Apparently one cannot be a scientifically minded, free minded, rational yet spiritual person.
This is a false dichotomy and anyone who uses it as a tool for the purpose of nullifing the concept of religion and spirituality. That is not science.
Evolution lives up to its name, through the decades it has had more adaptations than it suggests living organisims have. It has been modified and retrofitted to suit advances in science that would invalidate it. Now it's all about genetic drift and the like.. sure darwin based his theory on genetics.. obviously he didn't. But evidently we need this to avoid being the result of some divine cause. Tell me.. in the spirit of advancement through competition, which was part of the original concept of evolution, where are all the other competing theories on the origin of species?

Of course there will be an answers to this Candy8998 just be warned people find answers to justify almost any presupposition.
I completely understand what you are saying Rakesh about the scientific thinking and being open minded..i can also think in your perspective..you are saying that we rely on myths and not the real facts. We believe on something that "man" wrote long ago who really even know what he was doing or who wrote it...you are saying why only be spiritual and we have the facts to prove something right infront of us...you are saying that we believe in something we only know when we die..am i right?

Well i guess its faith and the feeling spiritually that i am close to God.. Yes i believe strongly in the bible but i can also think scientifically and to me i really don't believe in that theory.. because if we evolved from primates then it have to have other things that have evolved as well..can u think of any...so lets just say if we have evolved are we going to evolve again?? Can we really say we know when these animals died thousand of years ago and we know nothing about their lifestyle...
I believe in the Bible and i also believe that we were created by God, although my hubby tend to believe in evolution.
I am christian thinker so I will always believe in God first.
To each it's own.
But I have been wondering lately what do we have to look for after death, is there really something after death or is death the final episode in our lives.
My sister passed away in February 2009, and it has changed the way I see things :signlol:
Hi TriniSoul.. I have similar views, and well if you belive the bible then you know death doesn't have to be the end. Science cannot and shouldn't see to encroach on things of supernatural nature. To me there is no true disagreement between science and faith but they do have their own specific roles to play.. faith will always be able to answers the things science chooses to ignore. Science can only state the obvious any unproven specutlation isn't science.
Things like death cause us to question the why in things that is where faith can help.
Btw... welcome. :)
Good convo guys.. I agree with Raucos's comment..one can not believe soley in science as well as religion. the decision is absolute. Science has its own moral values and logic. Its based on hard facts to explain a particular subject. Science can not explain nor find rationality to a so-called "supreme being" (GOD) so its seeks to find an alternate explaination to our existence.. Watching from the other side of the table (metaphor) every major event surroundin our existence that science explains can be found in the bible. Which I can safely conclude, that despite even knowing it or being ignorant to the fact, the two are closer to each other than we believe..Bear with me a moment. the Discovery Channel had a special documentary showing how the earth was formed come straight up to present time. It (science) stated that there was the "big bang". The beginning of a series of events that would be the cornerstone for all things living in the future. That space was always there. while i may not know the technical terms...matter gravitated toward each other..mixtures occured and the was an enormous explosion. thus our galaxy was formed. In the bible it is said that in the beginning there was nothing..and the lord created the heavens (space) it did not explain how he (god) did it. Some just maybe...did the Lord cause a series of events to occur that caused the "big bang"?... so the documentary goes on to state that different gases ad\nd space rock etc..started pulling towards each other in certain areas and thus planets came about. The new planets were very hot..balls of fire... and they were so for millions of years..then as time went on, they began to slowly cool. (time taken to cool was in millions of years).. after they had cool enough more gases and whatever made rain fall..(don't kno the technicalities) and the rain fell continuously.. so earth was like a ball of water..in the Bible it also stated that the Lord created great oceans...(ball of water) and the lord made the land come forth...science stated that the water receeded and land came about....fast forwad now..the earth is formed, vegetation abundant..single celled organisms resided in the oceans..and they multiplied in great diversity..so in summary animals were formed..some evolved and left the oceans to dwell on land.etc.. in the bible, god created the animals. how did he do it. did he cause these same organisms to multiply and evolve? The bible does not say.. fast forward again. "Man" was the last of all living things to come about.. Science believes that we evolved from an animal. Bible stated that god created man after all the preparations was ready. Earth formed, land, oceans, vegetations and animals were already here..proof of this..when man was formed the bible states that god commandeth man to name all the animals..etc... fast forward again..the fossils we are seein today of animals long extinct is actually real. Science claims that some global disaster occured (many theories) and killed and entire species of animals. Dinosaurs etc...in the bible there was the great flood. that killed everythin that liveed on land and in the air. So the flood could be the major disaster that killed off those animals who remains we are finding today? As you can see the list goes on..to much to type. earth was repopulated from Noah and his family and the animals here had in his ark..Why he didn't pack some dinosaurs, I don't know..lol..all these events happened over millions of years..and since no-one really know how old the earth is, neither side (science nor religion) can say for sure.. Maybe all science is doin is puttin an rational explanation the events...Maybe the reason why the bible or God didn't state the exact technical facts surrounding our creation is because we (humans) are incapable of understanding it.. Humans are only capable of tapping into 10% of our total brain power. Probably there's a reason why that is so.. So science is merely our 10% tryin to compensate for things that we are not programmed to know or understand. Who knows. in closing, as i said the two are closely related. It doesn't matter how much we try to distinguish the two..they go hand in hand.. Only some are so blinded by their beliefs that the refuse to see the truth. It is for that reason why i conclude that one cannot believe soley in science and religion atthe same time.

Whau,,one simple convo, created such and intense debate. Must I say, I admire the intellectual capacity of the people in Trini-Spice. At the end, we have seen, there have and will always be un-answered questions. What we choose to believe in thats our choice. How you make your bed so shall one sleep. My advice is that there are many unfortunate people out there, maybe it because of a decision they made in their past life that they are paying for their deeds now, but we have to sympathize and empathize with them. Charity, good deeds, help each other, they all take you a long way. Life is always a two sided game, we all must sought the see the balance, as wispa said"Only some are so blinded by their beliefs that the refuse to see the truth" Let us not be controlled or followers but be leaders.

Good Morning all,, and please for those who drive,,take it a notch down on the X pedal,,My average speed on the road is 140-180,(Madza 4x4, fastest in all 4x4), as of this morning I have made a oath to keep my limit at 120 max. I witness several fatal crashes this weekend and it open my eyes and thing just as TRINISOUL aforementioned.
