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Christmas rite around the corner and I not feeling the vybz all I hearing is mainly soca etc guess people not excited for it anymore??
Yeah most likely in November, normally around now it does usually start though.
lol buy November there i was expecting to start to see deal on items begin but looks like november it is lol Halloween first
lol i never wet trick or treating before unno lol wei maybe im missing out on something rell important
Lmao you go have to dress up as the GrimReaper007 since you always 24hrs a day the OG Reaper.
it right around the corner ppl lol but hearing rell soca on the radio waves too lol knoow when carnival falling early
Oh people y'all excited just 3 more days? Home made bread and butter lol time with d fam???
Seasons greetings to everyone and a happy New year lol be safe on the nation's roads....
Fellas I must apologize. I sneak out and didn't wish anybody the best for the season. It too late now I think :(