brasso mad man

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Active Member
Jun 10, 2008
today ah mad man outside d school standin wit ah cutlass in one hand an ah gun in d other hand so ah ask wat u doing here , he replied ""ah late,an ah studying if to cut across here or shoot across dey ,ha ha !!!
HUh this is a joke this sounds more like a crime, a man with a cutlash and a gun, thats serious stuff this should not be funny don't you not think
like u ah get it nah mr admin read it again thats y its name jokes
well sunday ah hear d mad man prayin : "Our Father, Who does art in heaven,
Harold is His name, And forgive my trash basket
as u forgive those who put trash in my basket Lord, and if you can't make me a better man, don't worry about it.
ah having a real good time like this" !!!,
Lol this is a real mad man...i hope his prayer come true :s
well today d mad man saw ah rasta ridein his iron horse down d road and he came askin me wat dey does call ah rasta who workin in ah bakery? he say ah breaddrin!!!, so he still outside askin wat yuh call ah rasta wearin glasses?, he burst out laughin sayin jah look ah rasta foureye!!!,
Question: Why can't no one break into a rasta man's home

Answer: Because he have dread locks
like today d mad man turn over d wheel burrow and pulling it down d road so james say u real is a mad ass man!, people dont do that, madman say u feel i stupid oh wat if ah turn over d burrow them go gimme work to do so ah leavin it so yes!!!
today madman got an opportunity to speak in a family get together, so ah sit down near d back gate and ah listening he saying "In d middle of d day one nite, 2 dead man get up to fite, back to back they face each other and drew their swords to shoot 1 another, ah deaf police hear d noise and come to arresst d 2 dead boys, ah paralyze donkey was passin an kick 1 of in he left right eye, he told every body admission is free, pay by d door, seats inside sit on d floor, coz ah fell from pit to balcony an broke meh chest bone in meh knee. then continues to say theres lots of plate and no food and if yuh haven't eaten come an be eaten". plz dont let any mad man speak at ur function ok!!!
well d mad man strikes again outside d gate tell ah chinee

god make chinee, chinee for ah nite,
when chinee get up, chinee catch ah cold
Thats y chinee eye chinky like ah button hole!!!

you is ah very old chinee man name old 2 cum
an yuh marry very young virgin young 2 cum
an yuh have ah baby who's name is come u cum
madman is stuck in a traffic jam on the Churchill Roosevelt highway.
Nutting movin. madman wonderin what happenin.
Nex ting, a man knocks on the window, madman roll down he window
and ask, 'Wha goin orn?'
man..terrorists kidnap Patrick Manning and askin for a $10
million ransom
Otherwise dey say dey goin & douse he tail wit gasoline and set him
on fire.
So we goin from car to car to take up a collection.'
madman ask, 'How much everbody givin ?
... a gallon!!!
today d rio claro bus stop for a lady, wen ah watch again ah c him pushin d bus sayin like this ting shot dong oh wat!!! ( not a joke but ah tellin alure wat he doin today, he's someone yuh can't miss )
this man is famous dread? Some one should put him up on youtube