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Avatar has since broke the record for the highest grossing film worlwide. James Cameron broke his own record of 1997's Titanic which grossed 1.54 billion dollars worldwide, with his new sci-fi adventure Avatar, which hauled in a staggering 1.86 billion dollars. Titanic still holds the record for highest grossing film in domestically with 600 million. Avatar has made 554 million so far.
Avatar is a juggernauth. Alot of people were saying that it's only grossing so much because of the higher ticket prices, but while true, legs is LEGS. The movie has seen almost no drop-off for the past six weeks. It's doing pretty big business in Trinidad too. So far it has grossed $548,449US in Trinidad/Tobago. That's roughly $3.45MTT. Impressive. Personally, I think its cus the movie actually uses 3D to add to the story, instead of using it as a gimmick like most other 3D films.
TFM said:
Avatar is a juggernauth. Alot of people were saying that it's only grossing so much because of the higher ticket prices, but while true, legs is LEGS. The movie has seen almost no drop-off for the past six weeks. It's doing pretty big business in Trinidad too. So far it has grossed $548,449US in Trinidad/Tobago. That's roughly $3.45MTT. Impressive. Personally, I think its cus the movie actually uses 3D to add to the story, instead of using it as a gimmick like most other 3D films.
Only Alice in wonderland can seriously hurt it now since it will take away the 3D screens, but still Avatar will retain some, the highest weekend drop avatar has had in the us is 26% and that was after the holidays so it was expected. :non: I wonder how to calculate our ticket sales Trinidad has no statistics on this.. :wacko: But its sure alot of Trinidadians have seen it! if the highest (over charged lol) price is $7.07 US (45 TT) and the lowest is $2.83 US (20 TT (even though i'm sure some screens have it as low as $10 TT)) Avatar has sold somwhere between 78492 and 193798 tickets in Trinidad and Tobago... i wish I had real stats... :wacko:
True. Alice in Wonderland is the film that will put an end to its big grosses, but it doesnt open until March 26, so Avatar still has a slight monopoly on those 3D screens.

As far as ticket sales, you're right, there is no way to calculate it, but going on patterns across the world, the 3D version amounts to roughly 60% of its gross... so in theory:

Total: $3,455,288.70

3D (60%): $2,073,137.22 divided by $45 (CC8 3D price) = 46,070
2D (40%): $1,382,091.48 divided by $25 (Est Average of $10, $25 & $45) = 55,284

Estimate Ticket Sales: 101,354.

This could be entirely wrong, and isn't based on anything solid, but just a ballpark estimate I guess.
After two Golden Globes wins week before this one. Next week Avatar can get a stronger boost from Oscar nominations. This will be interesting. Keep an eye on Oscar nomineess from wednesday after tuesday's announcement.
Avatar should be $10M away from Titanic's record after this weekend. Early reports say it only dipped 18% from last Friday, while Edge of Darkness opens at number two, and When In Rome at number 3. So seven weeks in a row for Avatar!
I can't believe this yes this movie breaking records, almost everyone has seen it and i'm the only one that sticking. But if i have to see it is in a 3d screen so movie towne Chag i out of the question maybe cc8
I remember last year when The Dark Knight came out and there was similar buzz...*sigh* ah yes..stellar. Go big blue.
Dark Knight had a good shot and did fantastically well for its subject matter, but it came out against stiff competition during the summer. Avatar had higher ticket prices, the Christmas holidays and ground-breaking 3D to help it. Everything just came together. Btw, it has officially crossed $2B worldwide!
9 Oscar nominations tied with Hurt Locker. Two completely different films lol. The Hurt Locker was directed by James Cameron's ex wife Kathryn Bigelow lol. They both have best picture and best director nominations.. the two big ones. There's 8 other pics for the best picture o_O thats alot.
Go big blue..GO!!!! Still aint get a chance to see it yet. Cinema 8 sellout when i went. trying to call de box-office to find out how long again they running the film but can't get through. line always busy.. steups!!! I hope i doh miss de chance?
The only other film that I think has a chance is Up In The Air, its a fantastic film. Haven't seen The Hurt Locker but there's a lot of buzz on it. It didn't earn much at the box office, which puts it at a slight disadvantage awareness-wise. It could pull an upset though, its definitely not an underdog. Avatar keeps rolling though...it'll probably hold really well with those Oscar noms!
Just read the news: AVATAR has surpassed TITANIC for the record of not only domestic revenue, but worldwide also. AVATAR made 601.8 million in the US. Beating the US$600.8 million record that Titanic held. Also AVATAR would not be stopped as it blew past the US$1.8 billion record held by Titanic for worldwide box-receipts with over a staggering US$2 billion. So the film currently holds three records:

1. The Most Expensive movie ever made- AVATAR cost just over US$200 millon to produce.
2. The highest grossing film domestically in US history- Standing at US$601.1 billions dollars and counting.
3. Highest grossing film worldwide- Over US$2 billion dollars.

Go Big Blue, Go!!!
Omg amazing Avatar rocks (even if i have not seen it) It was money well spent on the production of the film and the year put into making it. Cheers to the directors and producers
Actual admission stands at 60M tickets sold...which means it has sold less than half of Titanic's total tickets of around 128M. It'll be hard to match that since ticket prices are higher 10 years later...60M is still very impressive though. Avatar is going to rule for an EIGHTH consecutive weekend.

It's the biggest film EVER, worldwide, US domestic and Internationally.

As for the cost, apparently the entire cost is $460M, with $150M for marketing alone, but even if its that high, the film has still made a huge profit.
The movie was great...Effects was great.... Got it on my flash drive...want it Admin?... Yuh know where i living...
Yea but i rather watch it one big screen because i want to see the effects, I do have a home theater system so 3D sounds will not be a problem but i want to see the 3d effects
Unless you have a hd tv or a plasma screen which is wide and large