Are Woman As Horny As Men?

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
I think even if a thousand woman said they are more horny then men (most men) I still don't think I'd believe it. :icon_neutral:
you best believe that :|

imagine how horny u are... times two... :|
i got this info from all my friends that are girls
Hmmmm It Have A Woman That Has 200 orgasms a day ask her lol :icon_mrgreen:
ill ask her
lmfao.. i jk
Lol yep its true want me to paste it here i will you know
hhahahha do it :p
Yeah,they are! As he said before their alot better at control than we are!!!
.....well......unlike men women hav no its much easier to hide :D
Yes i agree that women are more horny than men and yes they have ways of not showing any signs i think it is because of the fact that we consider ourselves to be more in control of our actions and personally for me it looks bad on our part to behave horny animals, and i think women take a while to get warmed up and when they do they its hard to get them dormant again.
^^^yu wanna hook up o wah...jk
wtf @ Ek Lol ............

Well yes i think so just we are more better controlling it and hiding it cuz according to topcat if we behanve like yall it wudnot look good on our part LOL
-Karina said:
wtf @ Ek Lol ............

Well yes i think so just we are more better controlling it and hiding it cuz according to topcat if we behanve like yall it wudnot look good on our part LOL

I could not say it any better.... All you guys do is point at your dick. grab it and embarass yourselves.. We women act much more normal....
Huh not every one of us are like that yes i do admit at a point in my time i used to be like that but not now you described it lol but it will come a time in every one's life for change.
These days women are more acting out than men you see it all the time, its a new day and age sister lol
Are u for real!!!! What do you see in women that are horny? And don't say the way they dress because some of us do that for a living....
Yes i'm for real its in your systems its just because you females have more hormones than us that why you may control it a little lol
Yeah but u don't see a physical expression from us eg. allure private parts LOL
I dont point at my... nevermind. Our brains are different too. Alot of stuff is different. Except sex drive... its pretty much the same.
Resha needs to see some of the baddests we see lol Some girls are just like guys just with breasts. I'm not kiddin, they talk about and act the same way some guys do in relation to sex.
Yup is school these days girls are more horny than guys, i'm serious when i was in school girls used to what to rape you and shit lol.
Now its alot more crazier they letting other people take pics and video tape them when they show them selves naked and doing alot of sexual stuff
You guys will always defend your gender kind..... Ok, their are some girls who may do or act horny rather than a guy BUT not in the PUBLIC EYES...... You would more often see a guy acting more horny than a girl in the public.... And if they could do that much in the public , yuh have to wonder what happens behind close doors.... Guys would jus look at you and tell you what they want to do to u in the bedroom and they don't even know u.... Do u ever hear a girl saying that to u in the PUBLIC?