Are Woman As Horny As Men?

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Yea but they allow them selves to be video taped and snap shots of pics, and knowing the risk of that how the person can upload it on the net but they still go on and do it, You know its more ranks a dude will get but a girl will just look like a whore
True and i hate that saying "guys wud be guys" urgh Yes Resha u wud find some girls like that but very rarely
wow.......alot of stereotyping going on up in here

Girls can hide it better.....sum fellas get on like complete idiots wen they get horny...but not all do
men are jus full of tiny horny cells they are not refined as we women who keep our sexual desires for behind close doors where we control it there as well so all you horny me its not your fault you were made to act like animals in nature.
HUh ammm not every male does act horny like its mating season lol.
Some of us can actually control ourselves, and don't feel for one min that females ant as horny as males. They are even more but they can hid it because they have nothing to poke out lol
Is that what girls see in every man? Cuz EK's right there's an awful lot of stereotyping going on here. I find it strange that girls find it so evident that all boys are inclined to be horny. Thats a big assumution to make. Is that what all girls think cuz that thing about all men thinking about sex every five, seven or three seconds is a myth. How horny do you have to be to assume that it was true? Does the inner working of male mind intrigue women so much that they are drawn to conclusions like this. I think it takes an extremly horny person to assume everyone else is fundamentaly horny.
LMAO it has nothing as a season for horniness admin and true not all males act horny but in this world compared to us You all are wayy more than girls..And if its not true then why are there h*o*e houses
We're both equal in horniness. Men just open a bit more with it.
Women deal with it and put it aside not like men how they have to do something about it all the time
Look alyuh..listen.. Women are just as horny and think of s-e-x just as much as men. And is alot of cases more than men. It never ceases to amaze me how women (especially 21st century women) still hide behind the stereotype that they do not feel the same way towards s-e-x as men do. Women these days are very much in touch with their sexuality and have absolutely no problem stating their sexual desires. So to answer the original post. Yes, women are as horny as men.