Any Recommendations or problems?

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this new theme is not user friendly and it is murder on my eyes and ii is discouraging me from being on this site please give us an option to work with something brighter and not with a plain black background

I've added a white based theme, please be free to check it out.
It is just my view that there should be Car Audio Classified section and maybe even an Car Audio tech forum. I think it will make this forum as an entirety more successful and attractive to new members. I don't have a problem spending some quality time on this site, even moderating that particular forum and also encouraging new members to join. Thanks
It is just my view that there should be Car Audio Classified section and maybe even an Car Audio tech forum. I think it will make this forum as an entirety more successful and attractive to new members. I don't have a problem spending some quality time on this site, even moderating that particular forum and also encouraging new members to join. Thanks

Hi Soundbwoy, thanks for the recommendation. We do have an accessory and in car electronics section where we post about car audio and other accessories. We do not currently have enough threads relating to car audio to make an entire new section just yet.

If you would like to moderate we would need to see some interest from you in that area first at which point we can consider making a section for car audio solely as I am also a car audio fanatic.
Welcome SoundBwoy, We did had an Car audio section but we just integrated it into this section for now .
We did not have much members taking or having much interest in it at the time hence the decision.
We will add it back when it becomes necessary and if a few persons shows interest we will add it back very soon.
Ok thanks Admin, once certain members become aware of this forum, i think it will be necessary. Lets hope for the best.
Thanks for the input soundbwoy the larger we grow and at a steady pace we will be adding more stuff to carter to all the new members needs
Ok guys we are at it again, Alot of changes were done because of the recommendations of our members, We are here to make this place better for all our members. Please help us become better tell us how are we doing?
Goodnight Folks i have placed this thread here where everyone can see it easily.... I would like to encourage all of our family here at trinimotors (yes we think of yall as family) to post any recommendations or problems you may be having or you can inbox me on trinimotors privately or and one of the moderators if you need. I guarantee that one of us here will do it within a 24hr time frame depending on the nature of the problem or even less. Thank you folks for reading and enjoy the forum.

I'm searching pink seat covers for my lady, if have any recommendations please give.

Hi Timothy, you can put up a Looking For/Want To Buy thread in our classifieds, you'll get a much quicker response.
Any car accessories place should have that but not sure about the quality or colors as I never bought one
If you not getting locally then there us always amazon. it comes up to about the same price.
he will quicker get through ordering it from amazon i think and the price might be more resonable