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  1. T

    police brutality in Trinidad

    This happened to my son in Trinidad, I live in New York, I never give it any thoughts until it hit home. I told my son to go to the media, go and make a report and if they don't take the report , then he needs to go into Port of Spain head Quarters and give the report there. This is terrible, if...
  2. T

    police brutality in Trinidad

    Police brutality has to stop. The police broke into my son's house and beat him up, because his brother had a problem with a friend of the cop. this type of thing has to stop, I will me arranging some protest and taking as high as I can, they just messed with the wrong family. I will be back on...
  3. T

    Koolest drink[s] you ever had

    My coolest Drink I ever had which I love is what my teenager son made a few weeks ago He called it Trinirican, It was made of Strawberry, Peach, Watermelon, Kiwi, mango,Lime and fresh ginger, the color and taste was amazing, with a few drops of Bitters. It has been a big hit with family and...
  4. T

    Koolest drink[s] you ever had

    Wispa65, I am with you the homemade lime drink. I love anything citrus.
  5. T

    Evolution or created by god

    I believe in the Bible and i also believe that we were created by God, although my hubby tend to believe in evolution. I am christian thinker so I will always believe in God first. To each it's own. But I have been wondering lately what do we have to look for after death, is there really...