police brutality in Trinidad


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New Member
May 4, 2009
Police brutality has to stop.
The police broke into my son's house and beat him up, because his brother had a problem with a friend of the cop.
this type of thing has to stop, I will me arranging some protest and taking as high as I can, they just messed with the wrong family.
I will be back on later, I need some answers as to why this is going on ion Trinidad
They keep trying to change the system what they dont realise is its the people, the police themselves corrupt. No matter how many different plans and operations they run they wont make any progress unless they clean house first. I'm sick of the fact that so many criminals hide behind the badge to justify thier evils as if is some right to do the wrong ting.
Dont let them sweep this away.. you cant let them sleep on it. Only when they feel the pressure then they will act. Have you contacted the media? Things like this are too easily hidden and forgotten.
I hope you get through with what you're seeking.. the police are bound to the law as much as anyone else is. If they break it they have to pay.
This happened to my son in Trinidad, I live in New York, I never give it any thoughts until it hit home.
I told my son to go to the media, go and make a report and if they don't take the report , then he needs to go into Port of Spain head Quarters and give the report there.
This is terrible, if we can't trust the police, who can we trust, everyone is telling us that we should leave it alone as they threatened to come back and kill my son, I have three sons in Trinidad right now AND I AM SCARED TO DEATH for them.
Anyway, i am going through with this, even if they kill my son or sons, justice will be done.
Thanks very much for your response.
Another action your son can take is report the matter to the Police Complaints Authority...They investigates matters against Police Officers... Or he can address the matter to the Commissioner of Police.... These may take a period of time to get justice but its a start...
Yes do as much as you can as early as you can. Use the things they put in place, it increases your chance at getting justice. Alot of victims of police brutality live in fear and ignorance and never get justice. Since you and your son have neither of these you can get back at the cop.
TriniSoul i am deeply sorry for what happened to your son and if you decide to protest or something we will be there with full support because Trinispice is all about fighting for rights in trinidad one step at a time...I hate the police now and i do not care if half is bad or good cause the things i saw that police officers does do it make me turn against them..look i living in longdenville and our police station stinks and they do not even investigate in reports that are made. I say do not let this rest...let us do something for a change
An example of a trinidadian cop...

A police constable was accused of using a iron to burn his wife during a domestic dispute witnessed by there threee children ages three, six and ten yesterday...She was burnt on her legs and shoulders... Couva police captured the man and is being held at Couva police station...

So much for teaching Police Officers about domestic violence...
Women could be so stupid when they ready!!!!!!!!!!

With regards to the above story with the police man.....The wife of the policeman says she's no longer interested in testifying against him, after receiving burns from a iron.....

Love conquers alll........