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  1. K

    Simple Upgrades for your Nissan Car

    Upgrades... Bought chrome handles/LED tail lights/Rider grill/HID chrome headlights and a set of 20" ELEMENT wheels wrapped on 225/30 Nankang on the exterior... Interior i did a few screens and a decent audio install... As far as mechanical parts concerned i installed polyurethane bushings on...
  2. K

    Simple Upgrades for your Nissan Car

    The K&N filter is a good choice... Also seeing as though you are running the SR20DE you could always change the engine oil you're currently using and switch to Amsoil oil... Its a bit more but gets the job done really well... Also there's a new product on the market called Nano Energizer... its...
  3. K

    Nissan Cube Owners?

    Got a cube?... Know someone with a cube?!.... Found pics of the cube online?... Post them here... Will post pics of my personal 2007 BZ11 cube later...
  4. K

    Say Hi and Introduce Yourself

    I always around lurking the interwebs... :$
  5. K

    Say Hi and Introduce Yourself

    Am.. hi gais.
  6. K


    Look Out For Over The Limit... This Sunday... Cena vs Raw & Smackdown GM - Big Johnny....
  7. K

    Why Do Women Cheat?

    LOL @ 1. That Shouldnt Be There... What Should Be There Is "It To Small And They Wanna Try Something Bigger"... They Get Fed Up Of Only One Sexual Partner Fast... So They Wanna Go "Exploring".... Thats Usually The Issue...
  8. K


    The Samsung Galaxy SIII Should Come Out Soon... That Is A Phone I Wanna Buy... Saw My Padna Have A SII And It PWNS The iPhone 4S.... Cant Wait For The SIII....
  9. K

    18Yr Old Brutally Murdered

    Really Sad News Indeed... Just Because She Didnt Wanna Marry De Guyanese... May She R.I.P... :icon_sad:
  10. K

    Things dat make yuh say WTF

    WTF....... Thats Sad... Would Never Do My Wife That In 10000352352365464574 Years... :Blink:
  11. K

    What's most important in a good game?

    Graphics Dont Matter To Me... As I Enjoy Classic Games As Well As New Ones.... Smooth Gameplay Is Important... And Easy Controls... Thats Why I Switched From Fifa To PES... :wink:
  12. K

    Watch Netflix In T&T!

    ^ So In Other Words Its Similar To Flow... Lol....
  13. K

    Price of coconut $5 - $10 now

    $5 Good Actually... Cuz If You See Them Coconut Water They Selling In Bottle For $12... You Not Sure If Its Mixed With Anything Else... So $5 For An Actual Coconut Is Not Bad...
  14. K

    Watch Netflix In T&T! ... 728.0.html Full Credit Goes To Eroo For This Tutorial.... :clap:
  15. K

    movies must see!!!

    Titanic 3D... War Of The Titans.... 2 Movies I HAVE To See....
  16. K

    Favourite Beer/Drink

    Favourite Rum - White Oak.... Favourite Beer - Carona... Favourite Liquor - Nuvo.... Favourite Non-Alcoholic Dirnk - Water.... :clap:
  17. K

    Trying to make brown cow drunken style

    I Made Eggnog Yesterday With Home-Fowl Eggs... Milk... Nutmeg etc... But I Added Some Hennessey Brandy And It Went Down Rell Bess!...
  18. K

    Favourite Liming Places

    Went Salybia Beach... River And Beach In One... Nice Lime!
  19. K


    Welcome! :hiya:
  20. K

    Kony 2012!

    No Probs...