Trying to make brown cow drunken style

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
I could remember one time actually it happen a few times lol near cxc time me and my pander booth 'kevin' come by me to take a drink lol and well i wanted to experiment and i was feeling for some brown cow. Lol i did not even know how to make it but i still try recipe for disaster
get some puncheon about a half bottle
2 raw eggs ( i would have used more but thats all it have)
a nip of black and white
condense milk (throw in enough)
and royal stout

Right mix all up and put it in the puncheon bottle and give you best friend a drink (kevin) and real put condense milk to sweeten it up lol and drink. nice time ant lol But i got sick i vomit in school lol home on the road head ace for days and weeks hmmm. Try it maybe you will like it
And the worst thing is Kevin fall and roll on some god shit on the road lol :eek: :lol:
Lol Kevin Always Falling Down The Place When He Drink haha
Nah Nah.. Karina Wrong And Ryan Lie.. I Dont Fall Down And Freak Out When I Drink.. And I Didnt Roll In Dog Shit LMAO!..

And RauCous I Dont Sweat Either.. When I Tight I Does Talk Rell Shit Rell Loud And Cuss And Thing LOL.. But I Doh Cuss Anyone.. And I Doh Look For Fight And Thing..

Btw, Karina And Ryan Teach Me To Drink.. Them Sicker Than Me..
And he only encourging me to come home every day and lunch time during cxc to drink rum lol waay
ahaaaaa brown cow does taste real nice but iah does drink it only on occasions and even though its not christmas we does still make ' punchacrem ' throughout the year as well
I Made Eggnog Yesterday With Home-Fowl Eggs... Milk... Nutmeg etc... But I Added Some Hennessey Brandy And It Went Down Rell Bess!...