Young Children Clubbing

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
I wonder if the parents know where their young children are going or if some of them even care. I see the way some young girls dress these days and I wonder how their parents let them leave the house dressed like that.
Their parents are fully aware of the way their children leaves the house. They just don't care enough to see anything wrong with it. Times have truly has.
Very true. Total deconstruction of the family unit in today's society. Majority of teens sexually active, drinking, smoking and clubbing and absolutely nothing being done....AND when they are caught, because they are teenagers they are released into the custody of their parents...I mean what sense is that making, when they are clearly failing at their jobs? Parents aren't the only ones to blame though, because from my personal knowlege, it only takes one bad adult influence to ruin an otherwise innocent child.
Parents these days taking 2 much sweet talk, "O gosh mammy ah just going an take ah little lime, PLEASE!"
Parents actually trust their children. NOTE TO PARENTS NEVER TRUST YOUR CHILDREN
What i don't understand is that who do girls ware all these short short tops and jenes and exposing their bodies, and if an man touches them they wnat to get vex. Wtf so who are you showing you exposing you body out to ent we man to get tempted
Oh gosh admin, you open a bucket of worms there. As a university student who studied human behaviour, I am obliged to say everyone is allowed their personal rights to expression be it through clothes etc, so just because they dress that way doesn't give men a right to tough. BUT I will agree that it does give a certain type of impression to men that may not be welcomed by some women sporting these clothes.

And what andre saying is true. I'm tired of hearing on the news about these gang-related murders and the parents of the "victims" always saying how their son/daughter was a "community leader" and "a good boy". I hardly believe being a "good boy" is a requirement for entering a gang.
i truly believe in "to each his/her own" . but if u is my childe an livin in my house , u have to live by my rules. apprently most parents dont think that way again : when they children big aka after start of secondary school they are left to thier own devices :(
i felt the need to put this in another post , but it have some young girls by me , from bout 10 - 19 does dress up in thing pants or short skirt an sexy top ,to go in the palour . wtf ... they actually dress up to go an meet their peoples ... thats just madness
death365 said:
i felt the need to put this in another post , but it have some young girls by me , from bout 10 - 19 does dress up in thing pants or short skirt an sexy top ,to go in the palour . wtf ... they actually dress up to go an meet their peoples ... thats just madness
this is an epidemic where i live..
I think part of the problem is that parents changed to polar opposites about certain things as their children get older. When they're young, they dress their children in inappropriate clothes and let girls wear make up cus its "cute". Then when they start to become older, you want to say its disrespectful. Lay down the rules early, if you raise them right, they won't go wayward.
agree..but wen dey doin wayward tings dey will kno in dere heart it's rong!!! parents r not ur friends an should not be..... doh let any1 fool yuh nah, ppl only say dat to sound gd to other adults, ah gd cut ass is wats needed!!! talkin to dem is just ah wast of time coz ah c dem in school all d time , wast ah time.........wen outa hand, punish dem, not liks but other ways......full punishment
See our society get a little too americanized too. People telling their children "go to your room" and "no tv" as punishments when the Trini way was to get licks and go to sleep. Also, stop rewarding your children for NOTHING. "Mommy, I came last in test". "That's okay, I already buy you a XBOX." STEUPS.
That is true we tryin 2 copy everything we see on tv. We tryin 2 dress like dem, act like dem even talk like dem especially our girls. Tell meh if ah lie yuh ever hear some ah dem "an I was like, an he was like, an we were like" like like like!!! all d time
andre said:
That is true we tryin 2 copy everything we see on tv. We tryin 2 dress like dem, act like dem even talk like dem especially our girls. Tell meh if ah lie yuh ever hear some ah dem "an I was like, an he was like, an we were like" like like like!!! all d time

that is aslo y we have so many " lesbians " in our society .

in hollywood and general famous people the bad girls ... aka the cool ones , always like girls as well as guys , so if ur emmulating that then u must like girls an boys too . specially in central and south girls
i totally agree that we as a society copy the culture of others, right down to the parenting. like others have stated, punishment went from licks and bedtime to being grounded. Also we have to take into consideration that the people are having children younger. Tell me what proper morals can you pass on to a child when you youself are still learning them. We have younger mothers these days. Teenage mothers. They themselves have some "growing up" to do still. We have also adopted the mentality of being our children's friends. While there are certain benefits to that scenario, we have allowed it to sway from its intended effect. We need to get back to the reality that we are "parents first; and a friend after". thats why were seeing children talking back to their parents as if its nothing to them. The respect as the child's parent is diluted. As your "parent" i am totally responsible for you. Your actions are a reflection of what the parent has instilled. We also have the scenario that alot of mothers seem to think that dressing like thier daughters brings them closer together. Steups! You are a parent now, dress the part. Make sure to show our daughter sthat you are a woman not their peer.
the mentality of the "parent" has to change in order to change the mentality of the children.
Agreed, agreed, agreed! Especially with death365. Lesbianism has been a glamourised affliation. It is now COOL to be a lesbian. What is wrong with our society?!

@Wispa: Exactly. Lead by example. I am absolutely disgusted when parents correct their children for things they themselves are guilty. HYPOCRITES. You don't want your child to be an alcoholic, then don't drink yourselves, or don't raise them in an environment that is drunk in alcohol consumption.
True and don't say that your children are small and when they do something wrong you tell them "big boy like you and you cyah do this" i especially hate that..some advice for the future:

-don't make kids if you know you're going to be a bad parent
-what you don't like for your kids to do then be the example
- Let your children lime one in a while because if you jail them up they does end up doing the worse of things
- communitcate with your children more
- do activities with them and let them create a trust between you all
- be a smart parent you should know when they are lying
no 1 knows wat type of parent dey will be!!! 2 generation ago, mothers did d parenting and dad just work an provided, there were little space in d house, less income, no extra classes an after school activities these ppl r professionals now........... kids have free school an extra curricular activities, allowances, lime time to hang out, an parents who is well off wen kids turn 18yrs dey have car, music set up an d best of every ting, so every chance dey out is to go clubbing show off an practice wat dey c in d movies
At the end of the day, from my personal experience, the onus is on the parents to raise their children right. My parents gave me all these privileges since I was 11 years old and going to Fatima. I got to lime and party, I had a car and I NEVER did what these young children doing out here. Why? Because at the end of the day, my parents let me know that education comes first and will always last, it doesn't matter how much money you have. But mostly importantly, that education WASNT A CHOICE. You go to school, you do CXC, A' Levels and you go to university. That was the rule. Guess what, it works, because educated young adults know enough about the consequences of certain actions, to not put themselves into those situations in the first place.