WTf floods in Port-Of-Spain

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
:icon_eek: Omg al yuh see the floods in port of Spain omg, its all over the new i this is madness omg. People i real sorry for who ever stick up their trying to get home.
Wtf going on with them drains ways. :icon_eek:
Thats what we get for littering na is de rain it heavier than normal, and more widespread almost the whole northwest of trinidad got heavy rains. . I lucky i got home early cuz it woulda affect traffic through st james and to diego. I thought yesterday was bad but waaay, today was the worse ever! Its madness! You should've seen rubbish and debri that was floating down the diego martin river table and chair an ting lol, i sure it break the banks after i saw it cuz it was up to the brim. Water come in my house again but nothing serious. This rain unnatural yes. It raining in more places at once than you'd expect. Normally it'll rain in port of spain and hardly reach diego but now is everywhere.
This kinda of thing will cause alot of viruses, illnesses, alot of people will get sick. I just hope no body get injured
People keep thinking is a lil half hour rain or 15 min rain but the dont realise rain was everywhere! Port of spain is pretty much only few feet above sea level in some places that kinda low of course water would pool there. Some parts is coastline anyway. But yeah it wont be very sanitary for a while, dieseases and bacteria thrive in moist conditions and it'll have reall plenty mud. People should be cleaner than usual.
Right now real mad people coming out like rain fly calling the tv lol talking all kinda mess. Rain fall we get flood thats it. lol. Not much scientific deduction needed. lol. If we belive what they say every time manning take a piss we'll get flood lol.
Imagine carlifornia blaming obama for all those wild fires they having lol. Kinda sound retarded. lol. And its not like when bush did forget new orleans for a couple of days either cuz right now people getting help. Even manning had to walk lol. So he didnt do this. Maybe we should blame it on God or something. Maybe that other person. lol.
RauCous said:
Thats what we get for littering na is de rain it heavier than normal, and more widespread almost the whole northwest of trinidad got heavy rains. . I lucky i got home early cuz it woulda affect traffic through st james and to diego. I thought yesterday was bad but waaay, today was the worse ever! Its madness! You should've seen rubbish and debri that was floating down the diego martin river table and chair an ting lol, i sure it break the banks after i saw it cuz it was up to the brim. Water come in my house again but nothing serious. This rain unnatural yes. It raining in more places at once than you'd expect. Normally it'll rain in port of spain and hardly reach diego but now is everywhere.
tru tru.. People tend to blame Government soley for this issue. We the public have a part to play in this mess.. We litter constantly without any regard for the Law. We have no one to blame but ourselves. Another factor is that our infrustructure is way outdated, and is in dire need to upgrade to deal with the volume of water going through the coarseways. Also the constant building of houses in our hills and mountains. The cuttin down of trees and vegetation in the hills. The filthy rich who show no regard for the damage they cause when they build in the hills...also the filthy poor who also show no regard for the irresponsible dumping of their garbage...So its not only Government. We are part of the problem too. :icon_frown:
Yea i totally agree but the government is their to minimize the problem, we have so much engineers and tec in T&T but we keep allowing our selves to be totally distort but this natural event.

I know we can't stop the rain and floods but their are ways to stop the flooding the government has infinite resources in their hand at least we should find a way to solve part of it.

Then if we continue to lame the rain and say the government is not to be blamed then what the point in training people in these ares for are we wasting money.
i cant remember exactly but ah few yr back d gov issue i think 25m to handle d floodin issues. yes d gov is nt totally responsible but dey hv 2 manage dese problem datz y dey r in gov. dey hv d responsibility 2 put d laws n regulation. yes d laws r there but b strict wit dem, litter wardens....police, penalize citizens, place bins everywhere n we also hv a role dont litter we hv suffered enough.
Thats the problem with living in a democracy, the infarstructure could never match the population. As long as people choose to live where and how they please the infarstructure would always suffer, it will always have draining issues and traffic issues cuz everyone wants to live in the same place... but of course its the goverment fault they choose to live next to rivers or hillsides or highly populated areas. The goverment cant dare tell them where to live... no really it cant.
And we're the first to complain if wasa dig up the roads to implement drainage, or if we're told we cant build in certain areas. People like it both ways, but they cant have it both ways. It takes time to lay down the nessasary infustructure, especially on large scales. It will always lag behind the population's needs and size.
That was the wrost flooding experience i had... its just happen within an hour of continous rain.... everything flowed from the hills into the town...The traffic was horrible... It took me 1 hour to come out POS and when i did reach chaguanas, my home town had flood ... knee height water...first time experience walking through flood water... most disgusting....