World aids day dec 1 08'

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Today is world days day in T&T and all over the world, This day is to have reflection on the path you choose to follow.
Many people are afraid of people living with aids, we should not because we could get it easily and no one will want to know the reason. People get infected by evil people sticking them with infected needles, having unprotected sex, etc.
I'm not going into the details about how we could get aids but i want people to know not everyone how has aids did something wrong to get it, people are victims of rape, incest, in a fight, victims of mal practices in health institutions (where needles are not changed).

So come guys be more conscious about today make a change in your life and your practices.
Trinispice celebrates world aids day, 2008 And hope a change will come about
ya i never thinkin about getting aids from a fight. aids real sad. dont discriminate, abstinence is best protection, if u got to do it use protection. lolz. and this is real bs, getting aids from a used needle.
yeah in costaatt the have ribbons for people who wanna show support... i think you havta pay though lol. but its great too many people like to discriminate, its our chance to show we care , sympathies and are informed.
I can't believe that our school didn't celebrate it ...well i mean Mention or say something about it in assembly..our skool to caught up with Our religion yes..

One thing is have to say is that don't discriminate cuz u do not know what it is like to have aids...sure u would be self conscious of them but they are people jus like us
we got free condoms!!!!! I really hope people take AIDS seriously ...Its a killer