Why do we yawn?


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Why do we yawn? Anyone have an idea, some say its because to remove excess carbon dioxide from the body some say it an involuntary action, so even say when your tired you yawn. But it still a misery when we do it scientist don't really know but what do you think causes us to yawn?
watching any Harry Potter movie......."yawn"...jus tinkin about it........
Answer me this one

Ever notice when you yawn someone next to you yawns after you. it happens too when you on the phone or next to someone. ? Why does that happen. Is it contagious lol
IT does happen alot when karina Yawns on the phone (yes she Yawns alot) I don't know why but i Yawn right after her its really something to think about even if your not tired you yawn hmmm
This is true Yawning is contagious i always yawn when someone else is yawning i don't know the reason for this but i would like to stop doing it lol
I though it was to get out all bad odour that was building up inside
To me when yuh yawn,if you are tired it somehow refreshes your mindset a little and increases your focus on stuff.
Yo, odinson, don't be on Harry Potter! Those movies relll baddddd! Haha. I think we yawn to get the carbon dioxide out.
When de scientists and them figure it out..then i'll know.. so for now..who gives ah s$#@.. We yawn.. it feels good..forget about it..lol.
lolz but it is contagious omfg i am yawning and reading this post wah de hell
LOL. It's gone dimensional now. No one is safe!
Anytime I want to sleep but can't, I will just read this thread and I will feel sleepy. Haha.
Yawning is associated with tiredness, stress, overwork, lack of stimulation, and boredom.....Its natural..