White powder under the neck?


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
I always wanted to know why do some women put white powder under their necks? why ladies Why you have to look like you frying fish lol
If any guys know please share :icon_mrgreen:
maybe they think that they look clean wearing it....you have to consider that one aswell, i dont do it, also maybe children's mother grew them up putting the powder on their necks and they just developed a habit, also it could be from puttin it on their chest and it ended up quite up there :icon_neutral: :icon_question:
...all I have to say is O geed dread......that is like the biggest turn off

but maybe is sum kinda preventative thing to keep vampires from biting dey nek
lol i tink its 2 show dat yea dey bath n clean...........dey put cream or sum ting 4 d powder 2 stay
Lol i really don't know yes lol i taught that try try to stop sweat but i really find that does look nasty
My teacher did tell me why a while back,but I forgot...

It had something to do with prostitution long time ago.
HUH if that so it have alot of them around lol powder under the neck with some women is coming a style now lol
actually most of them don't know..BtW people still do that? :icon_neutral:
yuh know i have always wanted to know the answer to this

is it because they are proud that they could afford the high price of powder???
Me eh know but fuh sure iz one indian that hate seeing that..Oh Geed! It does look like they roll in flour to become fried or something
I see some of them does be in all black and have the white powder all over their neck and Brest area, LOl that does look real bad i would not lie
some time last week i think i was walking and i saw a lady with so much powder i coulda swear she had on a turtle neck :icon_confused: .......ew
lol.......goin fuh d fry fish look........
i think its a new look lol they maybe want to show people that they clean and cud afford powder :icon_surprised:
lol i wonder if dey duz use baking powder if dey run out lol :icon_razz:
uh geeeeeeeeeeeed!! i can never understand why girls do this!! i am a girl and the thought never crossed my mind to put powder under my neck and look like some old sket.

it looks so disgusting and it looks even nastier when they sweat and it runs down their necks and you see the sweat lines dry up. EWWWW!!!

and you know, we may think it looks nasty but they probably thinking they looking all sexy and what not...

i wonder if there are any guys out there who like that kinda thing? uh geed (btw, do we have a vomit smiley?)
I think its coming back out in style, whats the purpose of powder anyways why do girls use it on their faces,
i always thought it was to absorb sweat, but sweat on your neck?? ewww,, i only put compact powder on my face sometimes but that's only to even out my skin tone after i had a bad pimple breakout!!! lolll