When Do Your Holiday Decorations Come Down?


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Other than that we always booked up cause its the trend nowadays. There's no time for the people we neglected for the rest of year , we only concerned about following the trend and showing people how busy and nice we living.

It's a mentality I will never understand.

Don't forget the people that only remember the important people in their lives on Christmas, and usually just for show as well. Remembering them one day out of the whole year is supposed to make up for ignoring them the rest of the year. I would think people are either important in your life or if they're not more important than an annual show then you're just fooling yourself and those involved as well. But this is the era where he who knows more people has the best image, so not much people are willing to contemplate such things.
Yes shadowhunter I had family come over who were trying to put on a show for everyone else who were humbly enjoying some food and a nice night.

I got so turned off with these people I told my parents they won't be welcomed here ever again.

I imagine Christmas to be a time I spend with people I rarely see otherwise during the year because they're all busy with work and other activities but that's changed. Its become a show off campaign for Facebook and Instagram to see whose food looks the best or who is having the most bumper party ever or whatever. Its never really just simply about the spirituality anymore and I can't help but feel the long term effects of this will undoubtedly raise a generation that's worse than the last.

I don't know how you'll really educate your son properly other than trying to be persuasive and teach him to stand out from the crowd from young. That's your best shot and you may be best off keeping a close eye on him even through his later years as a teen.

To further add, yes you're right about that too. It should never just be a time for remembering those who were ignored throughout the year. Sadly that's where we have come. And even more so is the fact that even when you feel a little good in your heart and invite these people they don't show or show with their stinkness.
I've had guests that only remembered me and my family during Xmas time because we used to buy gifts for every single person we knew to be coming and also celebrated with lots and lots of food and music etc. I can't tell you what a turn off it is to see these people once a year, and as soon as they reach they have backhanded compliments and blatant insults for you but their vehicle empty so you can stock them up each year, only to be seen again same time next year or the next occasion when they come to collect and throw talk again. My family continues to entertain such people but thankfully I've put my foot down and do not entertain such downers at my home. Instead of spending on ungrateful people, every year I anonymously give at least one big donation of gently used items to people I've heard through the grapevine are in need and another of relatively new/unused items for a birthday/occasion etc. I actually get to feel good about giving and celebrating this way and it's more meaningful for me to do this than force myself to tolerate stinking rude/offensive leeches.

There are others I know that insult/disrespect and/or completely ignore others throughout the year but put on a fabulously big Christmas show and invite people they normally don't have the time of day for only for a huge Christmas dinner where the host brags about his and shows off his accomplishments and does not actually converse WITH any of his guests. I feel sorry for people that need to go to such extravagant extents for a lil ego boost when genuine care and concern throughout the year for their loved ones would (IMO) be much more meaningful. Then again, people flock to such things and I am usually the oddball shaking my head at the situation.
Thats another thing, no one really seems to pay attention. They miss most of the relevant points and continue to believe in what was either previously present or what appeared to exist. Just because someone invites you around CHristmas time and has no other contact with you throughout the year really shows how much they consider you. Even if its someone who you respect and maybe don't really feel too comfortable hanging with or whatever the reason is, thats still no reason to pop up once a year.

Lately I find myself shying away from people, this Christmas I saw enough to further embrace basking in my quiet insanity.
I totally agree with you there. Christmas is now more of a materialistic gaining or showing off event. I like my quiet Christmases. No drama, no stress, no confusion, no facades.
well basically for me , Christmas decorations come down usually 3 days or so after new years, all the clean up, pack away and storage, takes place before school reopens, that way we have more time to organise everything and replace what was damaged for the upcoming christmas season now!

i also agree that christmas has become materialistic, as well as a competition between neighbors who feel they could always put up new decorations to outshine the rest.

well this year we go see who outshining who now xD