Whats your gross out limit ... Foods


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New Member
Jun 9, 2008
We trini's eat weird foods ...

Salted pig tails , smoked herrings , over cooked meats , etc ...

Whats you gross out limit ... Sushi , rear meats , exotic meats ?

Mines is rotting fish {ice land} , dog {china} , any animal's reproductive organs .
cow tounge... chicken foot souse... fish eyes! (eskimo treat)... cow heel... serouisly the heeel?, haggis (scottish delacacy sheep stomach stuffed with other body organs bioled for hours on end)..,
blood (black) pudding (Pig or cattle blood is most often used; sheep and goat blood are used to a lesser extent. Blood from poultry, horses and other animals are used more rarely) :icon_neutral: i'm a happy vegetarian.
hey rau ... me loves me pudding ... Hops bread and pudding with pepper ... A perfect saturday night cutters
ive never eaten pudding, and after hearing wats it made of im not ever guna try it..
But thats only one kind of pudding... you can use almost anything to make it. lol. Good for you death.. how it does taste? lol. Did anyone say snail? I think thats one in france. I saw a documentary once where the people ate locusts boiled or fried it's supposed to taste like crab only stronger..
Some south americans eat fire ants... probably taste hot lol
you have to get pudding from a good place ... But it taste rich like liver (chicken , or beef) an creamy ...

Its some thing you should at least try once in your life ... Unless your chicken an have no adventures in your life ...

Trying new things ...well ... Makes life good :)
Yeah i would never eat them things lol....How about i saw in this documentary one time in India they eat human eyes and testicles and male parts...they even curry it
i've had agouti, iguana, turtle(not leatherback), dove, pigeon, i think i had caiman once :icon_confused:

i NOT ever gonna eat manicou!
I eat all that plus more lol i can't believe you have not eaten manicou before lol waay, that does taste best
no you keep yuh manicou lol that does look too much like big a rat :p
HAHAAH dude alot of things does look gross but when you taste it you will never go back you will want more lol.
NO THANKS :icon_rolleyes:

i want to try deer, rabbit and parrot....never had those :icon_sad:

i want to try chicken foot souse...never had that either lol....is it good?
aye deer does taste good

i ate rabbit once and it was okish, dunno if i will eat it again.

i dont really like wild meat :icon_neutral:

it have plenty things i not eating.
Ammm manico is a possum, Americans call the manico a possum lol
:icon_smile: i know ya'll gonna laugh at me for this but i cant eat paw paw. whenever i eat it it makes me puke
NA dude lol paw paw you is a trini and you can't eat paw paw lol. Thats a bad that lol
paw paw = yuck!

i don't like baigan cuz it looks like snot :icon_frown:
hey its not that i dont like it its just when i eat it it happens. its how ur body is some people cyar take tings like fig, milk. u name it