What Kind of Phone Do You Have?


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I'm currently using a Samsung Galaxy Note 3. I love it! Hoping to upgrade to the Note 4, but the way this phone performs, I can wait! To everyone complaining about typing on a touchscreen, try Swype or Swiftkey. Both are awesome! Swiftkey is free, but Swype is my personal favorite. It'll change the way you type forever! Be sure to take the time to learn it, it's definitely worth it!


Bro if it works don't bother to upgrade. You'll really not gain anything ground breaking. I learned that when I had to switch devices till I fixed my phone.
Get the Note Edge Manga. It's just sexy. People always bash Samsung for adding all these unnecessary features. But when you try it then you ask yourself, "Holy sh*t, why doesn't all phones have this feature."

That being said the side display grows on you and has you wondering why it wasn't invented or implemented before
Get the Note Edge Manga. It's just sexy. People always bash Samsung for adding all these unnecessary features. But when you try it then you ask yourself, "Holy sh*t, why doesn't all phones have this feature."

That being said the side display grows on you and has you wondering why it wasn't invented or implemented before
The only noticeable thing about the edge I really like is that side display. Its something manufacturers need to think more about.
Otherwise I don't ever feel amazed neither amused. The last thing that had me interested was the camera on the Nokia 808 and Gionee E7. Otherwise to me its all the same in my uses
Lol. It's kinda sad, but I've jumped ship and now I'm using an iphone 6. lol. I'm in love with it! The camera puts everything I've used soo far to shame....Hoping to upgrade to the 6 plus...I need my big screen fix!
^^^Welcome to the ios world manga addict its a joyous place lol..even if it has limitations
If we're confessing about defecting I've jumped ship as well lol iPhone4 is a huge upgrade from my little Nokia but I do miss my LG
For the men on ios here lol i know you all suffer with battery dying real quick...compared to you android counter parts...i'll post a few tips on how to not feel that burn so much..mite only improve it a little tho
what really going on here? everyone jumping to IOS now? my god what a sad day for android.

I'm never going back to IOS , no matter how much you try to convince me, my Z2 trumps all the iphones I've used and owned so far

including the iPhone 6

the only iPhone I haven't been able to use/own is the 6+

however I'm looking to buy a new phone soon! so be on the look out for a new review on a new surprise underdog phone! Android ofc.
Ahahahahahaa Android still wins in my book so I haven't 100% jumped ship. (Right? Right?!?!)
I found this in a link for ios users to help preserve battery lifehttp://www.techtimes.com/articles/17012/20141027/best-ways-preserve-battery-life-ios-8-iphone-6.htm and something which is not mention is as iphone users we have small batteries except for the 6+ so avoid using the phone in direct sunlight unless you really need to...as using a iphone in sunlight drains battery like it wasnt even their lol i experinced it using the 5,5s and 6 just a heads up......at mr. bollywood lol i looking at HTC M9 and the lg G4 to see what the come with when released b4 i make a decision on which phone ill run on the android side, but windows is quickly ketching up as i watched the windows 10 for phones preview
Awesome tips grim! I would have never suspected email notifications and using the phone in the sun to drain battery life. I'm curious to see how my battery usage plays out tomorrow.
Awesome tips grim! I would have never suspected email notifications and using the phone in the sun to drain battery life. I'm curious to see how my battery usage plays out tomorrow.

give us a little small review on how it worked out for you
Mr.Bollywood is correct. The newer Sony phones are really very well put together with lots of features and the battery life is exceptional on the Z2 even with a big screen and such hardware behind the shell.

All the same I still think it depends on your uses. iOS is good at what it does and is less likely to failure vs Android which is reliable but can be problematic more often than iOS.
the only places i look at when buying a android phone is lg as i had a g3 for a day and was drooling over it and htc as i have like htc since they were making windows phone....but it all comes down to the user
Sony is very good these days in the phone business. They're pretty much going to do the same.. the G3, M8, S5, Z2. Its just which short comings youre willing to put up with.
give us a little small review on how it worked out for you

After charging yesterday evening and applying the changes, the battery lasted all night and all of today. I charged it about an hour ago after extensive use including leaving music playing all night. Normally I have to charge it morning and night. I'll keep monitoring it over the course of a couple days to see how it continues holding up with the changes.
I don't use my phone as often as I used to, it needs a new screen....grim would know. lol. So I haven't had any battery issues. With regards to android, I stand by Samsung, especially the Note series. Although all indications point to the Galaxy S6 having an aluminium body, so that'll be very interesting!
^^^Yea lol when you ready inbox meh.....as a iphone user i tend keep a charging cable in the car incase of emergencies lol....my next endeavour into the phone realm go be when this yrs droid flagship come out.....but i wont sell my iphone as one thing apple have over the other ppl is their phones could hold price