What Is the Condition of the Dead?


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
The Bible is clear when it describes the condition of the dead. It simply states: “The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all . . . Their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished . . . There is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol [mankind’s common grave], the place to which you are going.” (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10) True worshipers of God have long embraced this basic Bible truth. They have understood that the soul, rather than being immortal, can die and be destroyed. (Ezekiel 18:4) They have also known that spirits of the dead do not exist. (Psalm 146:4) In ancient times, Jehovah strictly commanded his people to separate themselves completely from any custom or ritual that was associated with the belief that the dead are conscious and are able to influence the living.—Deuteronomy 14:1; 18:9-13; Isaiah 8:19, 20.

First-century Christians likewise avoided any traditional custom or rite that was associated with false religious teaching. (2 Corinthians 6:15-17) Today, Jehovah’s Witnesses, regardless of race, tribe, or background, shun traditions and customs that are connected with the false teaching that something in man survives death.
The thing about death is we tend to see it in two senses, spiritual death and physical death. Its really one thing with two observable outcomes the only confusing thing is we only notice one of them. Medical death occurs when bodily functions cease and bio electrical activity in the brain stops. Spiritual death means you lack the ability to exist or live forever. It's absolute either you life without end or you're dead... weather or not you're consciously aware. Spiritual death means that it is inevitable that you would cease to exist. So technically an everlasting hell is full of alive but continually dying people.. that's not biblical... cuz they'd be immortal... and well sin kills.
John 5:24 speaks about passing from " death unto life" jesus said that while speaking to what we call living people.. Kinda makes you wonder if we're considered alive by him. The truth is after sin in eden we all died, we lost the ability to go on forever, spiritual death happened years ago. However we still seem to be conscious and aware of alot of things.. and one day we wont be. It doesn't matter cuz we're dead anyway. Like romans 6:23 "the wages of sin is death" once we sin we die. It also speaks of eternal life.. as opposed to... well death.
Alot of the living among us are spiritually dead people, that is they wont be living forever... but thats ok they can choose eternal life.. if they want. Even more confusing alot of the rotting corpses around the world are spiritually alive people... say what? exactly. if you belive in the resurrection it means they'd be going to the happy place one day.
OMG This is Totally True..Well Said RauCous This Is Good Info To Know But It Kinda creeps me out
lol its only scary if you're afraid of dying. I think its one of our few rational fears. Dying is unnatural... but some people accept almost embrace death and still other people can see hope beyond it. Beings that were created to exist forever cant fully accept or understand death.
Of course my beliefs are mostly protestant conservative christian views some christian denominations still belive in purgatory a kind of conditional death.. which is mostly because of tradition not because of any scriptual proof. Others belive we go straight to heaven or hell but that has no proof either especially if you belive in final judgement. Early christians weren't afraid of physical death cuz they saw this earth as only temporary... and really wanted to to go to the happy place :) . Modern christians shouldn't be afraid of death either but few are true belivers.. assuming they know what they belive. Death isn't the end for belivers in Christ it's more like a minor setback.. cuz dying seals your fate.. only you can determine your fate and when death occurs there's nothing that can happen after. Thats why so many people insist we deal with our issues now cuz now is what we have to decide what we want. The only reason life is the way it is is because someone thought we needed to have or make a choice whether to be dead or experience life. True life is way more fulfilling and rewarding than this half life we have here.
Outside of the abrahamic religions there isn't much belief in absolute life or death.. which is confusing. lol.
Their are alot of places in the bible that proves that the soul dies along with body. You do no go to heaven or hell right away, if this was so that persons go to hell their should not have a revelation in the bible.
Hell is not a literal place, i can't actually remember but i know somewhere in the bible said that their used to be a place in bible time where, their was a place out side the city that had a huge pit. Their used to trow down sinners their and they used to burn up in the heat.
I will find it in the bible and post it here.
People keep believing in hell, but the devil was not cast down in the center of the earth, he was cast down in earth it self and he's roaming