What Attracts You to Your Favorite Websites?


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What Attracts You to Your Favorite Websites?

  • Appearance

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • Ease of Use

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • Content

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • Popularity

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Feedback/Interaction With Others

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Other (please specify below)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Nov 10, 2014
If you had to narrow down what really draws you to your favorite websites, what would it be?

Favorite websites can be anything from Facebook to blogs, anything goes once it's an online site. Please vote on the poll above and specify below!
Youtube: Due to the abundance of high quality channels available, its very easy to learn or experience a different side of life from someone else's eyes which help you in your own. Its also very relaxing and entertaining when done correctly.

Trini Motors: I like coming here because the people are friendly, the site is quick and well optimized and theres lot to discuss :D
I think all of my most used websites attract me mostly for the content (informative, humorous, supportive, and/or personal assistance) and ease of use. When forums are available, I am usually very reluctant to join online communities but I usually do so after about a year or so of lurking anonymously lol I observe how the members interact with one another as well as with newbies, what content is specific to the forums that is not available elsewhere on the site, and how much privacy members maintain as anonymity is very important to me (which is why I use an alias with everything lol). I look at the higher ups as well to see how they interact with one another as well as monitoring and interacting with members. I have left sites that were otherwise practically perfect because of poor feedback/user interactions and I am part of sites that are not quite popular, but fit the bill for me in every other aspect. Popularity is a factor for me only for promotional use, but is not a necessity for me.
That's how it should be. Popularity among the society is what seems to make people want to join something.
True. I think the "follow me" trend applies more to people than the "join something new and cool" idea.
I didn't read all the comments, that's real reading lol but I like all those things. Popularity isn't follow fashion for me, just means there's more people to talk to about it.
Interesting way to look at it! I can definitely see it that way too
I didn't read all the comments, that's real reading lol but I like all those things. Popularity isn't follow fashion for me, just means there's more people to talk to about it.
I agree with you. I share this view as well :)
Popularity has to be the lowest for me mainly because i am a person that do not follow the crowd in most situations.
There are so many sites such as Instagram , Twitter, Whatsapp, BBM , Viber, Skype etc. etc. that i don't visit or take part in . It just doesn't bug me
I have to admit though, that even though I wouldn't consider appearance as important as the others, when I think about it, it is a factor that makes me feel more at home and more apt to prioritize a site.