Whappen to Panday??? Voting with pnm...


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Jun 9, 2008
From express online:
http://www.trinidadexpress.com/index.pl ... =161604110
Bas, Ramnath block UNC motion on UDeCOTT chairman
by Ria Taitt Political Editor

Saturday, March 6th 2010

KAMLA OUTFOXED: UNC parliamentarians Basdeo Panday and Kelvin Ramnath in Parliament yesterday. Both men did not vote for the debate of a motion on Calder Hart, which was raised by their own party leader, Kamla Persad-Bissessar (above), which resulted in it not being debated.-Photos: Curtis Chase
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s effort to have Government respond to the allegations against UDeCOTT Chairman Calder Hart ’as a definite matter of urgent public importance’ in the House of Representatives, yesterday came up against the rock of Basdeo Panday’s obstructionism.

The Couva North MP, along with Couva South MP Kelvin Ramnath, essentially joined forces with the People’s National Movement (PNM) to block debate on the controversial issue of Hart.

The matter, which needed 11 votes, received only nine UNC votes, frustrating not only the United National Congress (UNC) leader and her party, but the country, which has been waiting for answers from the Government on the Calder Hart issue.

In the face of unsettling and explosive revelations about a family link between Hart and a company which won a $368 million contract, the Government has gone from defending Hart to silence. But the Government could not have had its way without the crucial decision of Panday and Ramnath not to vote with their own party. (See Page 4)

As Persad-Bissessar started presenting her case to the Speaker for an urgent discussion on ’the need for the Prime Minister/Cabinet to revoke immediately the appointment of Mr Calder Hart as a member of the several State Enterprises to which he has been appointed, and especially as executive chairman of the Urban Development Company Ltd’, Leader of Government Business Colm Imbert uttered: ’Nonsense!’

But at the end of her presentation, House Speaker Barry Sinanan announced that he was satisfied that the Persad-Bissessar’s matter qualified to be raised under the Standing Order. He then asked the House if this was also its wish, to which Government members said ’no’.

Prime Minister Patrick Manning was not in the House and so it was Government leader Colm Imbert who led the PNM MPs in saying no when the matter was put to the House. Once this is done, the rules required that 11 MPs must stand in support of the Speaker’s decision to allow the matter to be given precedence over the pre-arranged business of the House.

There were exactly 11 Opposition members in the Parliament and therefore all needed to stand. At that point, Persad-Bissessar and members of the Opposition, including Subhas Panday and Vasant Bharath, rose instinctively before looking back. Absent were Nizam Baksh and Hamza Rafeeq, who are ill, while Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj and Mickela Panday were late.

Panday, who wore a determined and stoic expression, did not even look up as he read documents. Ramnath turned his chair towards the public gallery, giving the Speaker and his colleagues his back. As both men remained seated a red-faced Persad-Bissessar looked down as Government members cracked up laughing.

’Change, change, change,’ they mocked, chuckling wildly, looking at Persad-Bissessar and Chief Whip Jack Warner.

Sinanan announced that the matter was defeated, a first in the history of this Parliament. The Opposition had missed a golden opportunity, since matters under this Standing Order are rarely allowed by this Speaker or any Speaker. In fact, Sinanan had stated two weeks ago that since 1995, only 11 of the hundreds of request to debate an issue as an urgent matter of public importance had been granted.

Earlier, in presenting her case for the Calder Hart matter to be discussed, Persad-Bissessar said there was now ’incontrovertible documentary evidence ... in the public domain confirming the family relationships of Hart to two persons in whom the ownership and control of CH Development and Construction Ltd was vested, at the time when UDeCOTT awarded the contract for the construction of the $398.9 Legal Affairs Tower to CH Development, at a price which was more than $60 million higher than that of the lowest bidder’.

She said under the law, Hart, a person in public life by virtue of his chairmanship of UDeCOTT, had failed to comply with Section 24 of the Integrity in Public Life Act, having a conflict of interest in the award of the Legal Affairs contract, as he did not declare such interest nor disqualify himself from the decision-making process as required by Section 29 (2) of the IPLA.

Noting that standards of accountability and transparency were essential for promoting public confidence and effective governance, Persad-Bissessar said Hart’s actions had served to undermine public confidence in him and in the administration and expenditure from the Treasury in the State Enterprises in which he sits.

I never tell allyuh how much i like politics lol :nono:

Panday is totally a ass he's so selfish and only think about his self rather than the country at large. Kamla how this does not affects you
What, does this move by the Silver Fox surprised you all? Please!!!
I expected nothing less from the Silver F**k
Put him in ah kage with ah lion! I go realy feel sorry 4 d lion :signlol:
One of these days the man will dead yes he like too much of backcanal, why is it he says one thing and goes back on his word. He a hater and a backstabber
but this is not news... nothin new from a man who worked so hard to build a legacy and worked just as hard to destroy it. I'll bet he's thinking.. "If he can't run the UNC, no-one will"..
I'm not surprised. AND this is the man who has been leading a politic party of decades! My god.
She and everyone who expected his support is an ass. The man to THIS day does not consider her the legitimate winner of the internal elections and promised to fight her. Well he's fighting. She and the UNC will only be rid of him when he dies, end of story. Ah wonder if Mickela would have risen if she was there? LOL party or daddy? party or daddy? party or daddy? LOL

As long as we have these people in the Parliament whatever side they are on Government or Opposition we will never get anywhere. So keep voting for them you fanatics... and another scam artist has left with our money is his pocket. Bravo, bravo!
ArbiterOfTruth said:
She and everyone who expected his support is an ass. The man to THIS day does not consider her the legitimate winner of the internal elections and promised to fight her. Well he's fighting. She and the UNC will only be rid of him when he dies, end of story. Ah wonder if Mickela would have risen if she was there? LOL party or daddy? party or daddy? party or daddy? LOL

As long as we have these people in the Parliament whatever side they are on Government or Opposition we will never get anywhere. So keep voting for them you fanatics... and another scam artist has left with our money is his pocket. Bravo, bravo!
Lmao!! Well put Arbiter..well put... nothing will come out of all this... why? Cuse we like it so! :Confused: