Weird Dreams

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
These pass few weeks i have been having some really weird dreams these nights, Dreams of my girl friend leaving or cheating on me, Dieing falling off of highs and just last night i dream some of yesterday's events when i went wedding but the last part when i was scratching my head in the dream a large portion of hair came out and i was holding it in my hand, wtf is happening to me lol
I know its stress but its getting worst now mainly because of my sleeping pattens and some other problems i'm having. I need to a little more fun in my life alot of things are worthless
maybe if u talk to someone close to u or a family member who loves u it will get better, its because u are scared of something or someone,please come out of isolation and be a brilliant young adult u are ok
oh trus me...u dont want 2 discuss weird dreamz around me...i prolly got u beat...da weirdest dreamz ive been havin lately r 1z where im gettin n fightz wit m best friendz...or my family memberz...idk y ive been havin these dreams...then most recently ive been havnt dreamz where there lik a tv series or sumthin...i go 2 sleep & hav a drama filled dream then i wake up n da middle of it...then i go 2 sleep hrz later & my dream continuez frm where it left off dreamz hav been lik thiz 4 weekz...mayb even monthz now...idk watz wrong wit me...
Lol at Cjunkie13 everyone has weird dreams at times but it just that i;m sort of troubled with whats going on in my life from tomorrow i'm planing to change my life so set you self for the new Ryan Persad I'm changing for the better
im always happy to hear an c young folks get serious this shows maturity, give yourself an applaud :clap:
OMG a new Ryan... OMG what will that be like.....New hair cut? ... A desire to find Work?..... Change in attitude?...
More likeable?.... Less drinks? ... Less food?.... More exercise?..... Less liming?..... What ? What? What?
Nevertheless im looking forward to the New Ryan Persad...

I had a weird dream last night: I was in an airplane but it had like five rows only with people.. The walls were blue all four corners.... What is that about...
i had another weird las nite...ok i cant it nite cuz i didnt go 2 sleep til 1:30 n da afta noon...but neway...i dreamt i waz sent 2 an all girl boarding skool...& i waz ok once i got there but i lik fought my dad ova takin me til he kicked me out of our home & forced me 2 go...& i couldnt tell my friendz where i waz really sucked...
i dreamin all kinda bad these days like twice in two nights i dreamin i get shoot, then i got kidnapped , then i fell off a cliff into the sea with muddy waters, a snake bite like i dreamin all kinda nonsense that ain't make no sense lol
These days i only dreaming numbers i doing accounts in work and when i going to sleep is more more stress
LOL freal

I only dreaming Grey's Anatomy Don Laugh is real things..Any movie i get hooked on i keep dreaming them
:Confused: i..doh..dream..nun:'( :Throw:
I dreamt i failed my driving test..i going for manual and i frighten because they not taking bribe anymore so if i fail it have no way to get out of it ;(