Vagrant Funny Videos In TRINIDAD

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Trini vagrant escapes death

Vagrant stops a bus
OMG in the first one he was coming up to the man to quarell with him lol vagrant these days nuh easy nah
If de man did not roll away de would have been crush omg that man lucky yes lol but is real kikks
dem vagrants does real crak me up, i walkin in san fernando an one ah dem sayin ''sexy u eh lov meh'' an he walkin up to me an i star to walk real
LOl snowwhite that man want lix lol well one time i say this woman passing in de road and it have a vagrant and de man pull down he pants and started to run down de woman yes omg i had to stop de man lol and then i started to run lol
lol, admin nex ting de vagrant de hold u down instead with he pants down lol... you wudda
Ammm hell no thats why i run lol, some of them real humble and some of them real rude you know how much times i get run down by a few vagrants begging for money and all i could give him was a dollar (yes i know he was going to buy cigarette) and de man wanted to beat me yes lol. I mena i don't want to beat a vagrant lol but i had to run
LOL Hahahahaha It Had this one time in arima...a vagrant walked up to this lady and lick her on her face....ewwww i kno eh but them she brought her father and he beat the vagrant with his bator lol
Lol nah i ent heard of POS Ones but them must be really krazy with alot of people and comess happening everyday
look how long we had dat video up an it still out circulating....ah wonder if d vagrant still on d streets!!!