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brbk4498 said:

valentine's day i reckon
candy8998 said:

Candy I like the banner..but to be honest the pic in the banner will give SOME Trinis the impression that its just targetting one racial sector of T&T population...
San fernando said:
candy8998 said:

Candy I like the banner..but to be honest the pic in the banner will give SOME Trinis the impression that its just targetting one racial sector of T&T population...

i kno wat u mean, i didnt mean 4 it 2 b lik dat but an idea jus popped in 2 my head, an i looked in a folder, saw dese pix n added em
RauCous said:
Cool the christmas one is decent. I like anime, most people here do. :) cool.

lol i realised dat, dats y i used it :icon_cool: