Trinidad and Tobago Lingo

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Active Member
Nov 10, 2014

I can't be the only one that finds our lingo.....well.....interesting lol I know Trinidad has British, Spanish, and French history which is evident by our language, but some words still catch me by surprise.

Raff: To grab suddenly
example: "Put yuh phone away before somebody raff it dey."

Wi: Yes (Creole)
Oui: Yes (French)
example: "He gone wi" "She finish already oui"

Tabanca: Love sick, infatuated. Often refers to obsessing over love songs, a person, or food. (African)
example: "How you dey behind dat gyal like you have tabanca so?"

Dotish: Stupid, slow, idiotic, dumb. (likely from English doltish, meaning "slow witted")
example: "How you get dat wrong? You dotish o wat?"

Doo-doo: Darling, honey, sweetheart. Often used by jealous counterparts referring to someone they believe is getting special treatment. (French Patois doux-doux meaning "sweet-sweet")
example: "Watch how he love up he doo-doo darling"

Mal Yeux: Evil eye, bad eye, hex, curses/spells (Patois)
example: "She watch meh hard yesterday an ah get stick wit ah belly gripe dey whole evening. I feel she Mal Yeux meh inno."

Bachac: Large red leaf-cutting ants. Often used to describe any large or biting ants (Spanish-Conquistador Bachaco)
example: "Watch de line ah bachac crossing dey before yuh geh bite!"

Chataigne: Jackfruit. Often curried or fried's a Trini thing lol (French word for chestnut, which closely resembles the fruit)
example: "Ah feeling for some good curry chataigne dey!"

Carnation milk: Any brand of evaporated milk. Sometimes actually used to specify the Carnation brand of evaporated milk, but rarely.
example: "Gimmeh de Carnation milk dey. Oh gosh is de one dat mark "evaporated milk" on it right dey wit de butterfly logo."

Swell up face:
to look pouty, sad, or angry. Also commonly known in modern times as "resting bitch face".
example: "Watch how she sit dong dey wit she swell up face looking vex-vex and nobody eh do she nutting inno!"

Vex: to cause anger or annoyance or to be in such a state (From old English "vexation", which is not commonly used in modern conversation.)
example: "He eh coming by alyuh because he say he vex de man eat out all de food."

Alyuh/Allyuh: All of you, you all, second person plural. Often used to refer to people who are not present as a common vernacular substitute for second person singular as well, and to refer to an invisible or temporarily unavailable audience. Easily used to popularize generalizations and stereotypes. (English Creole, with possible African roots)
example: "Alyuh feel I eh know bout alyuh so?"

Feel free to add to the list!
Van: Anything not a car inclusive of: CUV, SUV, some Wagons, Pick up Trucks.

Bomb Spray: canned spray paint
Van: Anything not a car inclusive of: CUV, SUV, some Wagons, Pick up Trucks.

Bomb Spray: canned spray paint

Did not know about bomb spray lol

Crix: any kind of cracker or biscuit

Cockset: any type of insecticide coil that is used by burning to repel insects especially mosquitoes. Though I have no idea why it's called that, as that word is not even on any of the boxes.

Jumbie: spirits, usually evil spirits that possess or bother people
Never heard about jets either lol

Tanty: a woman referred to as an aunt, often used to refer to matronly older women. Also used as an insult with meanings ranging from unnatural femininity to "old lady-ness"

Uncle: Any man who is not your father but could be anywhere around that age group or older.
Never heard about jets either lol

Tanty: a woman referred to as an aunt, often used to refer to matronly older women. Also used as an insult with meanings ranging from unnatural femininity to "old lady-ness"

Uncle: Any man who is not your father but could be anywhere around that age group or older.

I agree with the second usage of tanty LOL!
Hahahahaa I get that one real plenty :/ lol

Chook: to be poked or pinched. Can also refer to stings and injections.

Chinky: small, little bit

Goat mouth: when someone says something that comes true. Usually referred to in a negative way.
Ent - Words translate to " Is that so " or "Isn't that so "
Magga: really skinny/scrawny.

Out ah timing: inappropriate
Jaji bundle: Any bag in your hand, especially a wrinkled plastic bag and/or a bag rolled around over the contents. Used especially to describe carrying items from home eg. someone carrying a change of clothes in a wrinkled plastic bag or rolling something up in a brown bag.
lmao this thread have me in tears! rell memories here boi

i hadda break out my Cote Ci Cote La book of trinidadian slang! just to find it now!
Surkay -Feeling when you are nearly choking .

Panchaiting - Group of people gossiping
Surkay -Feeling when you are nearly choking .

Panchaiting - Group of people gossiping

I've never heard those! lol I know I heard some weird words recently and I thought of putting them here and asking for the meanings but I can't even remember them lol
lol post them. i will like to help :)

Wine Up - Gyrating of hips
Chunkaying - To wine up your waist in a steady rhythm
the cold: foreign country, most likely US/UK

Trini 1: iphone 5 straight from the cold for sale, $2500

Trini 2: have $1500 in the morning

horn: to get cheated on in a relationship

piper: homeless drug addict/alcoholic

redz: *$1/**a type of woman

Trini 1: Eh link meh ah redz dey

Trini 2: Wam yuh is ah piper owa

Tusty man 1: Ohhh gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood look at dat redz, d ting i go do to get with she eh!

Tusty man 2: Yeah boy! Familllyyy link meh yuh digitz(see below) dey!

digitz: phone number

doubles: the only thing worth living for in T&T

me2/me too: a type of phone, the type that everyone has had at least once in their life


Trini 1: Eh, sell meh yuh me2 dey nah, I have a $20 now

Trini 2: Run wey eh

"Run wey eh" = get lost

ah lag - the act of holding a kite up for your friend to try to get it up in the air

Youth Man 1: Pressure to send up that kite boy!

Youth Man 2: Yeah, give meh ah lag dey!

"Yuh hustlin' owa?" = "Are you selling weed?" [Often used by strangers in places like Beetham, Belmont, Laventille etc.]
LOL Lorenzo!!!! I love those!!!!

I want more clarification on these words if anyone can help please:

What is the difference between describing someone as each of these words:
redz (any other meanings?)
Spanish (eg. calling someone a Spanish)

And wth is a "gunta"?
LOL Lorenzo!!!! I love those!!!!

I want more clarification on these words if anyone can help please:

What is the difference between describing someone as each of these words:
redz (any other meanings?)
Spanish (eg. calling someone a Spanish)

And wth is a "gunta"?

Mixed and Dougla more or less refer to people of mixed origin. Dougla is not a trini slang. Its an actual colonial term with a real definition to refer to someone of African and East Indian descent.

Redz is more or less a type of local woman.