Trinidad and Tobago becoming a dictatorship Country?

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008


Phillip Edward Alexander Wrote:

"Now the Tourism Minister wants to shut down Facebook so the rest of the world doesn't see what's taking place in T&T.

Her mind boggling concern is not that crime might pose a threat to foreign visitors, but that reporting crime might pose a threat to tourism."

Jessica Joseph Wrote:

"What de ASS is this I reading! Blaming Facebook because of people sharing stories about the real crime and sufferation going on in T&T and it scaring away tourists?

Facebook is not the problem, the CRIME and the failed ECONOMIC POLICIES and SOCIAL SYSTEMS are the problem. Fix the crime and sufferation. Tourism also cannot grow without proper customer service being a cultural thing. It cannot grow if we polluting and littering up all our natural attractions.

Facebook also sharing good things about Trinidad food and music and culture and natural beauty to the wider world as well. But for every good thing we have to post and share is like 10 times more killing, corruption, embarrassing stories about T&T.

The SSA Bill has not passed yet and already, talks about censorship and suppression of free expression done start."

What are your views on this?
We're too lazy to take action and stand up against the gov't and crime. A revolution would be near soon, see how easy it is to spend $100 these days? When that $100 turns into $1000.. No wait, we'll need much worse to stand up. WE outnumber them, don't know what the majority is scared of.
Someone wrote this one social media. I found it to be 100% Accurate about her

"It amazes me how Shameful Cajole can now tell people not to post and speak of the horrid crimes on Facebook in T&T because it will affect tourism but less than 9 months ago when she was in opposition Senate she would always, and in every single contribution in senate speak about what she saw or posted in Facebook with respect to crime .

Since she removed me from her friends list I want those who can to go back on her Facebook page from 2010-2015 and see how vocal she was on social media and the numerous gory pics she shared to bad mouth the UNC method of dealing with crime.

Politicians and their selective amnesia !!"
Wait what? But ent tourists done know this is a no no destination? Ent we already have a bad rep given the amount of time foreigners got killed and lost their eyes?

Wasn't it made known in Europe or England to stay away from here due to the crime?

Facebook didn't do that. So she need to hush she ass. Is not Facebook fault we are a failure. And yes I do tell people not to come here. I have a lot of contact all over the world who would love to visit our beaches and forests. Facebook didn't do that . Why she doh try and ban me from living?