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May 29th, 2015

Jack Bailed & Out For Kamla
Though he was seen smiling as he surrendered himself to police to be jailed after failing to have his bail documents approved, Jack Warner appeared visibly upset yesterday after securing his bail, being released from prison, and addressing his followers at an ILP meeting in Chaguanas mere hours later. Promising to reveal the truth behind PM Kamla Persad-Bisessar's alleged wrong doings, he states "all bets are off". Read more.

U.S. Authorities Eye JTA Supermarkets
Through the investigations of corruption charges against Jack Warner, the United States law enforcement authorities are now looking at T&T's JTA Supermarket chain as a source of Jack's laundered money. Read more.

Calling For More Women in Elections
Hazel Brown, coordinator of the Network of NGOs is asking for at least 30 percent of political candidates to be women in an effort to balance the gender gap in the business sector. At the launch of the 50-50 campaign in 2000, women accounted for only 12 percent in the business sector. The ultimate aim is for a 50-50 balance of men and women but Brown estimates that this could take up to 75 years. Read more.

PM Supports TTPS; Salary Talks Ending
Revealing a nearly 50 percent decrease in serious crime in the country since 2009, PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar has stated that the negotiations over salaries for members of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) will soon be finished. She commended the police service on the improvements noted in the statistics and while promising her continued support, elaborated on actions taken and services provided by her government thus far. Read more.

Local Docs Pass Up Training
A Chinese medical team visiting the San Fernando General Hospital (SFGH) as part of a two year training program being offered, are not being paid nearly enough attention by doctors in the 6 months that have already passed in the program. The South West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) has complained about this and is urging local young doctors to take advantage of the training in neurology while acknowledging that not many local doctors are willing or able to go into that specialty. Read more.

No Bail For Corrupt Cops
Const Ryan Mahabir and Const Justin Charles were denied bail on charges of perverting the course of justice after allegedly soliciting $1,500 from Michael Lewis after he failed a breathalyzer test on May 2, around 3:30 A.M. After a report was made, the constables were arrested by officers from the Professional Standards Bureau (PSB) on May 24th. Magistrate Aidan Stroude said that although their firearms were not used in the offence, having it in their possession at the time was enough to deny bail. Read more.

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