Top 5 most poisonous plants.

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New Member
Aug 18, 2008
found this on thought i'd share :)

The pitcher plant- found in mostly in Asian countries and Australia. This plants creates a chemical that coats the insides of it, which mixes with the water collected from it's roots, creating a scented water, which delights tiny animals luring them to the flower to have a drink, and then,, BAM! they're caught, trapped, and eaten by the pitcher plant. lol


1. The castor bean- Used to make castor oil. [ewwies] Concentrations of a substance called ricin in large amounts called ricin can be found in a seed, it is more a threat to children and pets being that only three of the seeds, if swallowed can kill a child. Symptoms are nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, internal bleeding, and kidney and circulation failure. Some people are allergic to the dust on the outside of the seeds, which cause coughing, muscle pains, and breathing problems.


2. Deadly Nightshade- Contains atro­pine and scopolamine through out it's whole structure. It is deadly to humans and some animals, but a few of them are able to eat the sweet juicy berries of this tree. This poison affects our nervous systems. Symptoms are dilated pupils, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, headaches, confusion and convulsions. About 2 berries can kill a child or 10-20 for a human. The plant itself can cause irritation.


3. Rosary Pea- Used to make rosary beads. This plant contains Abrin. The seed is only deadly when the outside coating is broken, or scratched. Less that 3 micrograms of abrin is enough to kill someone. Symptoms are severe nausea and vomiting, which eventually leads to dehydration, and ends with the kidneys, liver and spleen shutting down. Death usually follows within three to four days.


4. Water Hemlock- Sometimes mistaken for a parsnip plant, can be a deadly mistake. This plant contains cicutoxin, it grows in streams and river banks, even drinking the water that's near to run off of this plant can be dangerous. Symptoms of this plant are violent and painful convulsions, nausea, vomiting, cramps and muscle tremors. People who do survive this plant suffer from long time health conditions i.e amnesia.


5. Oleander- It's a beautiful plant and very fragrant and many of us know it. i was shocked to see that this common plant is the most dangerous!! Considered the most poisonous plant in the world, because it contains a few different poisons but the two most reactant ones are oleandrin and neriine. Even eating the honey from bees who devoured this plant nectar can kill you. One leaf can kill a child. Symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, intense stomach pain, drowsiness, dizziness, an irregular heartbeat, and often, death.

OMG This is shocking .Oleanders are so pretty look at all these pretty flowers i did not know that ..Hey do they have any antedote for these things
the pink ones are the same too, but the deadliest 1 to me is soooo common my aunt had them grow over her fence for privacy and they were so plentiful that anytime they were in bloom and the wind blew you could smell it, wow wow wow hmm idk if there was any cure for them basically just immediate medical attention
Periwinkles are not hazardous they have a certain kind of chemical contain in them that scientist are developing to treat all sorts of ailments such as athritis and cancer
noo the pink 1s are the same as these :s hmmm idk but they smell good too, but i thought perriwinkles were purple
People choose a weird plant to make a religious ornament. It reminds me of spys who walk with cyanide.. what if catholic priest and nuns are spys? lol. That very weird.. i wonder if it was intentional.. or if the rosary symbolic of something religious.
lol well maybe because that's they only plant they had near by back then, that seem versatile enough to be poisonous and ornamental as a religious symbol :s lol

**did you know that it's illegal for under aged woman to have mace in her bag in the u.s, not sure if it's the same for guys.