Too much sex

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Do you think that our movies, music, and television are becoming too sexualized? If so, what suggestions do you have to change this? What kinds of effects do you think sexuality in entertainment is having on our society?

My view

I think it is a change of the times. There was a time when TV was not allowed to show a couples in bed together. Now we have shows like 2 ½ men that have a content of 99.9 percent dealing with sex or sex related, in prime time and the show is doing well in the ratings.
Sex is used to sell everything from flowers to heavy equipment. We are viewing in our entertainment a subject that was long taboo.
We are not likely to be able to put the Genie back in the bottle; our innocence has been lost forever. So we are faced with how to deal with this change in our culture. We can complain of our moral decline as many do today, and point to this as evidence, or we can finds ways to use it to our advantage. I choose the latter.
Re: Too much s-e_x

How are we going to use it to our advantage. People see sensible sexuality as fake and cheesy. Everybody is a big man and woman now telling them how to behave sexually is an offense to them. This society gone trough.
The children could still be saved if we get them early though.
Re: Too much s-e_x

Is it sexualized? Hell yes. Can we change it? Improbable.

I won't go too much into it here but I'll just repeat what I said in another thread. Don't leave your children to be babysat and raised by the tv or the media. If you take control and raise them right with good guidance, most likely, you won't have to worry about any problems.
Re: Too much s-e_x

Yeah "brought-upsy" is the right word. Even simpsons the cartoon has rudeness in it
Re: Too much s-e_x

Alyuh have to remember that u wouldn't be with yuh children all d time an these now-ah-days easily influenced.
Re: Too much s-e_x

yep, I agree with u andre,but there will the times that they will see things in a se_xual way... we can't change that.. thats what society has reach too...advertisment on cars(as big as it could get) snacks(as small as it could get) ...
Blaming soceity for that is right but it brings us back to the parents and the upbringing of there children..
Re: Too much s-e_x

back to the topic.... there are movies and music that are too vulgar to watch so thats y its rated and not PG13...there are the ones who pass through the system without being rated... to improve this i guess the only thing i could think of is to not to watch it but them I already cross the age for that.... the effects on the society will only affect the younger ones... the older ones should be the wiser ones...( i hope)
Re: Too much s-e_x

Is it sexualized? Yes. Most definitely! Can we change it? No! Can we take advantage of it? There isn't anyway to take advantage of it. What it has done, (for those of us that actually care) is put us on damage control. S-e-x in the media has penetrated deep within our phsychi as a people. There's no going back. More so, s-e-x is and forever will be part of our very existance. What we need to do now is take a proactive approach with the younger generation growing up. The older folks are already set in their ways. We have to educate the younger ones on the entire aspect of s-e-x on a whole. Give them strong moral values. Give them the information and the much needed guidance. So that they can make informed and educated decisions.
Re: Too much s-e_x

Its part of society and part of life. Parents have to raise their kids to make the right choices instead of sheltering their kids from the real world.
Re: Too much s-e_x

Everr saw any bilboards these days or simple advertisement signs ?? Imagine i saw an Air conditioning sign by a business place with a woman in a bathing suit untop of the air conditioning. I was like WTF? Air conditioning? Woman in bathing suit? Everything is sexualized nowadays, Cartoons, Tv shows,Advertisements .
Re: Too much s-e_x

that's what we are living in.. S-e-x sells.. period. there's no turning around. I even saw a woman in a bathing suit, all she goods showing (Double D's) advertizing snacks. WTF? What's the connection between the two? I don't Know... but its marketing...
Re: Too much s-e_x

Well thats why young kids are loosing their innocence so fast because everything is so sexualized that they have to be in the norm and follow it knowing its just a normal thing. Just now trinidad will completely think in the mind frame of the americans where children grow up when they reach 10 or even 13 for that matter and thinking about sex already. its just sad to see where have all these traditional values left here by our ancestors and we don't even study it no more
Re: Too much s-e_x

Vickie said:
Everr saw any bilboards these days or simple advertisement signs ?? Imagine i saw an Air conditioning sign by a business place with a woman in a bathing suit untop of the air conditioning. I was like WTF? Air conditioning? Woman in bathing suit? Everything is sexualized nowadays, Cartoons, Tv shows,Advertisements .

you know vickie this is funny cuz if its A.C the place will be very cold and well wen the place is very cold our natual instincts would tell us put on more clothes yet she got on less lol dem ppl eh easy
Re: Too much s-e_x

Or maybe it was making hot so they got the ac to cool her down LMAO