Tired of You, A Hope For Love ~by Aaron~


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New Member
Jul 1, 2008
This is my first ever self-made video so feel free to comment. Took me probly more than 14hours to make it. Its titled 'A Hope For Love' and is inspired by all my close frwens who i luv so much. I tried my best to make this video as best as i can and i think it came out pretty good for a first vid. All the pics used are pics i found over the internet on different websites except for the 4th to last pic which is a pic of me =] Well hope u guys/gals like the vid and enjoy..

First video:

Here's my long awaited second video. Hope u all lik it
Second video:
Re: A Hope For Love ~by Aaron~ :)

in my opnion (as a trained psychologist) .. is that your wack in the brain and need immediate medical help :icon_cheesygrin: .....

your really really sick in the brain !!!! :icon_wink: :icon_cool:
Re: A Hope For Love ~by Aaron~ :)

death365 said:
in my opnion (as a trained psychologist) .. is that your wack in the brain and need immediate medical help :icon_cheesygrin: .....

your really really sick in the brain !!!! :icon_wink: :icon_cool:
Re: A Hope For Love ~by Aaron~ :)

death365 said:
in my opnion (as a trained psychologist) .. is that your wack in the brain and need immediate medical help :icon_cheesygrin: .....

your really really sick in the brain !!!! :icon_wink: :icon_cool:

wat da mean??
Re: A Hope For Love ~by Aaron~ :)

i think he means that yure emoism is too strong for him to comprehend
Re: A Hope For Love ~by Aaron~ :)

lol ... Its just a joke ...

Heh heh heh
Re: A Hope For Love ~by Aaron~ :)

song makes me sad, almost cried in de computer lab i dunno why....
mabye you should put a warning for lonely people in the description... lol :icon_neutral:
BUT THE EDITING IS AWESOME!!!!! all warm and fuzzy now... pretty... :icon_eek: thats just too much for me... i'll go sulk in the corner now... :icon_cry2:
Re: A Hope For Love ~by Aaron~ :)

RauCous said:
song makes me sad, almost cried in de computer lab i dunno why....
mabye you should put a warning for lonely people in the description... lol :icon_neutral:
BUT THE EDITING IS AWESOME!!!!! all warm and fuzzy now... pretty... :icon_eek: thats just too much for me... i'll go sulk in the corner now... :icon_cry2:

the vid was meant to be more heart warming.not sad. wel i guess it did turn out to be a bit on the emo side but i guess dats part of how i felt while mekin it. look out for my second vid ;) ill try not to mek it sad dis time
*Cries* *Wipes Tear* Too Touching This is really great work woooo i give u a 10 :icon_mrgreen:
-Karina said:
*Cries* *Wipes Tear* Too Touching This is really great work woooo i give u a 10 :icon_mrgreen:

thanks. u cryin for the first vid or d second one? lol