Times When you can say "WTF"


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New Member
Sep 12, 2008
Ok, the following are a few scenarios when you are fully justified saying "WTF!"
1. Water gone and you now done use de toilet..no water in de tank so yuh cyah flush..."WTF!"
2. Huslting to work in de morning, jump in a taxi and reach halfway to town, and yuh yuh forget yuh wallet. "WTF!"
3. So de girfriend finally give yuh ah lil somtin-somtin. When yuh done, yuh realize de rubbers burst.. "WTF!"
4. Burrow yuh padna p-0-r-n and tinkin yuh home alone. Turn round to find mammy watchin yuh. "WTF!"
5. Driving home after partyin with a bess girl, and yuh shut-down by de Betham. "WTF!"

You guys can continue...
1. went in a public toilet and make a big shit, when yuh done and check for the Toilet paper it have none "WTF" lol
2. Now done watch the budget dey, ah hear they raise the price of rum again "WTF"
3. Have a hot pee in a wedding night looking for place to pee and it have non, and yuh decided to pee on a T&TEC pole and police see yuh "WTF"
1. teachers honkin horn in front d gate like i ah c them "WTF" wait ah min nah!!!
2. hiding d toilet paper from d students "WTF" like dey go wipe wit dey hands!!!
3. wen ah walkin out meh road an c d bush "WTF" like d coperation ah have workers!!!
4. wen u have to do all de work an d other workers sittin dong "WTF" like is is ma bkside chile!!!
wen a man in ur car an u have to do car repairs on d spot!!! "WTF" come out an help nah
wen sum1 i dont kno textz me or callz me "WTF" i dont kno u dude...stop botherin me already!!!
When people invite themselves to a lime.."Eyy look I reach" ..."WTF he doing here jed, he wasn't invited!"
wen my dad decidez to annoy da crap out of me..."WTF" leave me alone old man, i jus got home frm skool...i wanna chill 4 @ least 10 minz...
wen ppl call meh fone an askin who is dis!!! WTF yuh callin ah no yuh doh kno, an like manners gone Haiti
when people forget my name..i'm like WTF Yuh Mudda Neck Yuh .....
When people park their cars across the entrace/exit at Maracas parking lot and gone their way. WTF man, I wanna go home!
wen my bro decidez 2 b really REALLY annoyin...especially wen i jus get home frm skool...WTF dude, leave me alone 4 lik 5 minz plz...i jus wanna relax...
when water comin out of the pipe nasty..like wtf atleast hide the impurities wasa
when yuh only have exact money to pay de taxi then 2 find out taxi fears raise
when yuh get cetch useing de emergency exit 2 leave work and go by de bar WTF! :nono:
when u and yuh partners drink and enjoy yuhself in haiti and the next morning they come an face de camera at u on work. I always feel like somebody's watching meee? WTF!
let me see y'all top this and is not something i making up i actually see this!!! ah limin in a mall and ah decide to use d wash room so i gone in d male toilet and i see u used rubbers hanging over d seat in d bowl. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a male toilet women dont be in there, some thing not right. at least have d decency to flush. WTF!!!!!!! any doh dig a horrors ah go hold it till ah reach home
Ewwwwwwwww.... i hope is not any homo activity going on in there..
Bahaha...RauCous not risking yes. He staying home!

Today, WASA cut water since 12am and then T&TEC cut power since 9am. We ain't get water since and power came back around 7pm. WTF..I feel like a caveman for the day. It wasn't fun.