Three family members killed in highway crash

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Active Member
Jun 16, 2008
Subiah, 63, his wife Maureen, 53, and their 25-year-old daughter Crystal, of Dumfries Road, La Romaine, perished when a truck, belonging to National Flour Mills, crossed the median and hit their Hi-Lux van, shortly after 2 pm yesterday...The truck, driven by Kevon Moses, 32, of Lowplace East Dry River, Laventille, picked up a skid on the wet road, after its right tyre blew. He died also..The truck crossed the grass verge and careened head-on into the pick-up, spilling sacks of flour on the roadway. Subiah flew out of the van and crashed into the steel barriers located on top of the Gasparillo Flyover, police said. He died on the spot. His wife also flew out, but Crystal remained trapped in the wrecked van.

Things happen in such a way that we can't explain why...
Re: Three family members kill_ed in highway crash

True. RIP.
Re: Three family members kill_ed in highway crash

Aye i was watching news and when i see how the old couple was dead and rain was falling on them i wanted to cry so bad to know that elderlys suppose to die of natural death and it was so sad to see they got in a crash and both of them together
Re: Three family members kill_ed in highway crash

It have a dude in work by me and he's related to the victims of the Subiah family, this is such a sad thing. Much is to be blamed on These Heavy duty trucks that are speeding on the highways, they are over doing it but i'm not saying its the care here but generally speaking.
Re: Three family members kill_ed in highway crash

To me everything speeds on the highway these days and police seem to be powerless to do anything about.I don't think any blame can be placed on anyone in this particular case,but it's a sad thing to know that even though you are driving safely on your side of the road something can cross the median and kill you or your loved ones in an instant.

There are so many things that in my opinion needs to be amended when it comes to our traffic regulations. For one thing I remembered sometime late last year when a vehicle crossed the median and killed these people that were heading to some religious event on the northbound lane of the highway in the claxton bay area. About 2 days later government ministers showed up and said they gona put rumble strips in the vicinity and also this part of the highway was going to be blocked off so no one will be able to cross the median,however up to this day nothing has be done. Also for police to effectively monitor the speed limit on our nation's highways the current speed limit of 80km/h needs to increased to probably about 100km/h,to me I think 80km/h is to slow to stop anyone for a speeding offense.

To all the families who lost loved ones in the accident,both the truck and the pick up truck my condolences go out to you.
Re: Three family members kill_ed in highway crash

Well false reporting gets u no where...The driver of the truck is still alive as well as the two passengers in the same truck... It was the family who died...Father, mother and daughter....
Re: Three family members kill_ed in highway crash

Well it that's how the Express newspaper had it stated so don't blame me.