The Official What Yuh Cooking thread!

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BBQ Boys, i never heard of that place before! gotta try it out!

LadyDeath getting some good old school trini lunch there!!

yesterday i went indian expo and got some Pepper Roti , it was really good

unfortunately the 2 pieces of roti i got, had the 2 biggest pieces of pepper!

so much win, but at the same time soo much peppery pain!
BBQ boys was the big tent BBQ place in La Romain .. Made Shrimp Scampi and Fettuccine today..Yum!
Is it bad that I had to Google those things to know what they were??? Lmao sorry haha but on Google images they look delicious!
LOL i started cooking at the age of 9 yrs old so i thought myself a thing or two about foreign cuisine..

Now made Pasta Salad & Fresh Veggies & Fruits on the side ..
A Big Pot Of Home made corn soup & shadow benni pepper sauce .. Yumo!
Strawberries, God I haven't eaten those in a Veryyyy long time... I can't even remember how they taste like xD

Brb buying strawberry ice-cream lmao
LadyDeath said:
A Big Pot Of Home made corn soup & shadow benni pepper sauce .. Yumo!
Corn soup FTW! That shadon beni pepper would lash with that corn soup! A little bit of blackpepper and lime juice would help it out too... A little bit haha
Chicken friend rice today with fresh salad.. Gotta make something fast and head back to work !
don't know what to cook today guys, any suggestions?
One day i actually ate that all day by itself lol .. Best Day Ever LOL
ahahah agreed , zaboca is the best by itself!

i like it on a piece of toast bread, with a little salt. that is go down good with a glass of orange juice!

today on the menu, Macaroni Pie, Lenthels and rice, Calaloo, stew chicken and some salad!
haha baked VS stewed lmao!

well that is a good lunch there, hopefully my uncle would be bringing sweets as well, family might be coming down so cook out big today!
Stew Chicken With Red Bean , Macaroni Pie, Mashed Potatoes, Salad , Boiled Plantains..No Calalloo Today! :(
you could pass and take some, we always end up making too much and give it away to the neighbours and them lol!
Oh my how i wish! Tomorrow i making it for sure to go with left overs :D