The Official Trini Dash Cam User Thread

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May 13, 2014
Dash Cam

I'm thinking about buying a dash cam for my car in light of all these bizarre incidences that are happening to me. What you guys think are some good dash cams and where have selling or should i buy it over amazon?
Re: Dash Cam

Also check for good quality shit instead of what's cheap

Megapixels and fps should be high usually cost 60usd but u need a large memory card so 64gb for it
Re: Dash Cam

I was looking in Amazon for some Dash cams some time ago and ever one i checked are only compatible and have a limit up to 32GIGS. That is Over too small for me i want something that would record for 4 days straight before i have to delete the content and start over again. I don't know where to look again because there are alot of generic Chinese brands.
Re: Dash Cam

Why don't you purchase a good holder unit and use your iphone or other smart phone to record your journey. At the end, delete the video if there are no incidents. This is the approach that I use and it works fine for me.
Re: Dash Cam

Some are very expensive over amazon and the cheap ones lack in quality and memory. If you have a good phone with an awesome quality camera then buy the holder unit and keep it charging while recording. The things is that sometimes you may forget to delete the video though
Re: Dash Cam

I used to use my phone alot as a dash cam with holder but i really don't want to be removing the phone all the time plus it will drain your battery.
Re: Dash Cam

With regards to using up memory on your phone - The same will apply for a dash cam.
With regards to battery dying - My iphone is always attached to the charger.

The video quality from the iphone and I assume many other smart phones are really good - That's my solution
So the purposes of this thread is as follows:
- encourage dash cam owners to put up videos and pictures of any idiot driving the happen to witness, or anything post worthy
- discuss dash cams in general
- encourage more car owners to buy dash cams

i will start with a video and a pic

Video shows the swollen Diego Martin River a couple days:

And this pic shows the Defense Force reserves with an unsecured load in the tray this morning at 8.45am:
haha yea man i passed on the same day, i passed earlier on when the water was upon the grass!! it was horrific! I've never been as close to seeing it burst before but on the 6th, it was almost ready to!!

to be honest, some if not all of defence force drivers are crazy, i recall a few months ago infront of the St.James hospital, where the pedestrian crossing is, all cars had stopped to allow a woman and her son to cross, unfortunately a Toyota Hilux, that had defence force plates decided not to wait , when they tried to overtake, another citizen saw and used his car to block them, the rasta guy who blocked them was hit hard and the entire front bumper was ripped off, and the worst part was the defence force hilux decided to drive off

they were later held and brought back to the hospital to meet with the rasta guy!

it was a horrid sight!!

i honestly support the dashcam initiative, to capture and bring to justice all the reckless drivers of trinidad and tobago!
Also subscribed to come locals ; Rogera ( Santana skits), Trinidad & Tobago Radio Network, Arlene Villaruel

And cooking, make up and beauty channels ..
Today I encountered two guys who clearly ended up in the wrong lane:

Wohhhhhh hold up, I live around St. Lucien road there, how did that car even end up going the opposite direction?? I cannot comprehend how one makes that mistake, honestly the only 2 ways I can think off

At the lights the person turned right and went tooooo much to the right

Or the person was coming down heading along St. Lucien road into blue range there, and the wanted to take a left, and went to wide

But still come on the road may not be the best but you can see the white markings clearly, and the flow of traffic!!

And as for the TCX, that was the most retarded move at an intersection I have ever seen, thank you officers!
But wda! I a glad that you recorded this. But i saw many people did that move that TCX did. Many people take it for a one way . I would of like to see what he would of done though. If the person was confused and have been doing this on a regular thank god for the female officers who stopped. It can prevent an accident happening in the future
I've never posted two videos in one day. but here is one from Four Roads highway Junction, Diego Martin tonight:

With the opening of the new highway I am expecting some accidents to occur!
Diego martin side, as you pass powder magazine, coming into Diego, they made a new highway there
The last second land change:

Re: Dash Cam

Wow dude that was a close call

The amount of close calls I have coming out onto powder magazine Highway... Ppl speeding and not realising that it's merging traffic!
Following from Saxman642 and knowing some of the dangers on the nation roads today i went ahead with advice from Saxman642 and bought myself a Dash Cam. I have some videos to post up as well with a woman doing the worst of bad driving and cussing up people on top of it.