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Active Member
May 27, 2014
It was a long time coming, this is the Official Blink Broadband Internet Topic.

so what are your experiences with this terrible, buggy, laggy, unreliable, but cheap internet providing service?

so far the people on the customer service line, know my voice and name by heart because of the amount of times i have to call in on a weekly basis to re-enable my failing internet connection. Its becoming annoying.

what are your experiences?
haha feel free, we need the feedback from Flow users and Greendot users as well, blink is terrible all around, but their price is great, although you do not get what you pay for.

I need to switch soon although blink has brought me together with some great people, Garth the technician, melly the customer service rep, Christian the tech and Anita the tech support rep

wonderful people!

Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk
hahahahah phone thread to be created soon! just awaiting some of the phone techs to join the forum before I create a dead topic LOL

and Greendot that bad? I heard they have great Internet for the price!

Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk
Was gonna do it but I say nah.

First we had that dial up shiet through the Motorola RAZR with tstt (Google homepage used to take about 10 minutes to load)

Then we moved to Greendot. Prices were cheaper and you got what you paid for but the time to load just the Google homepage was anywhere between 7-12 minutes.

Things could have changed but although flow lapsing these days I'll stick with them

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk
man Google used to take me 10-15 minutes to load!! luckily I changed my DNS server and that helps LOADS, I used to get download speeds of 32KBps when I was lucky. Now I get around 50KBps not impressive to some people but I think it's fantastic!! my increases in speed makes me much happier but the internet had become less reliable! will post some speed tests soon
some Speedtests that I did

previous Speed


current Speed

Since 3 years ago i applied for blink Broadband and every time they said it was available in my area but they Blink never even called me back. I now use the Wimax from Blink works flawless. But still wishing to have a broadbank connection.

Price of package:$300
Still too much because I have turbo 20 package and only getting half the download speed and quarter upload

Aspiring photographer
ent that's flow??? tbh that's some serious speed you have there!

@admin man be careful what you wish for, you might regret wanting this shitty Internet
Last Result:
Download Speed: 19482 kbps (2435.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 2012 kbps (251.5 KB/sec transfer rate)
Latency: 34 ms
6/23/2014, 10:57:34 PM

Thats my flow turbo 20 package.... And that result was while downloading movies on utorrent... ;)
well roach, yuh willing to share that speed with the less fortunate awa?
haha man where I live there's only 3 people with WiFi and sadly I'm the fastest one the amount of neighbors that want wifi to use is unbelievable

the don't have their own wifi, but they have 5 or more wifi able devices to use