The Beginning

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Jul 2, 2008
The Beginning~ by Me

.......... What did it all mean? Somehow everything that I had just read was connected to me in someway. How did they know my name and where I lived? What did they want with me? Answers to these question I was continuously looking for, one thing I knew though, I couldnt stay here much longer. Whoever sent me this letter must be coming after me and I wasnt too keen on figuring out what they wanted. I knew I hadnt done anything wrong, what happened certainly wasnt my fault, I couldnt help the situation so I ran. Although running at the time seemed like the best thing to do, what exactly was I running from? Whatever happened that day was not what people would classify as normal. Maybe I should have helped her, what if she was still alive...As I think about it now my actions that night were very selfish but still corrupted with fear.
..........With everything I owned in a small bookbag I left home without a hint of where I was heading to. I couldnt, not because it may hint my followers to where i would be but mainly because I did not know of where to go. I was a random 17 year old randomly wandering around the streets. Darkness followed me everywhere I went yet I still had the peculiar feeling that someone was still watching me. From the moment I left home, the piercing stare of two eyes kept hitting me in the back but I was way too afraid to even turn to investigate if someone was following me.
............Alongside suspiscion brought paranoia, wild thoughts bombarded my mind five at a time. As I entered a new area I caught the scent of rotting chinese food, and to be honest it made me feel for food and gag at the same time. I had not eaten since early that morning. The sound of a rolling can behind startled me and either fear or adrenaline, whichever one you would ike to call it, kicked in. I cowardly sprinted straight ahead towards a wall light in the distance only to recognise that I had been heading down a one way alley.
...........I turned around and with my back against the wall i fell to the ground wimpering in fear, here again my head was racing with thoughts and questions. Does this person want to kill me? What do they want? Thump...thump...thump...those inaudible footsteps from before now had sound, a large figure stepped out of the darkness, too big to be human. It was wearing a large cloak and huge boots. It was carrying a book of some sort which was also unusually large. THUMP! took one step closer. "STOP...LEAVE ME ALONE!!!", I screamed at the top of my lungs but it did not stop. whatever it was, was only a few steps away from me and I could already smell it. It was the scent from before, the scent of rotting food.
..........As it took one more step closer I screamed out again, "STOP...LEAVE ME PLEASE...". My pleas were ignored as the creature came closer to me until it was directly infront of me. It's presence seemed to paralyse me as I felt a pressure of some sort pushing me down to the ground. It reached out to me and said "YOU!"...In a very confusing voice...It grabbed me by the neck and lifted me up into the air and said again "YOU", this time the voice seemed familiar but I couldnt match it to a person.
.........."For the longest while we have been searching for you, Why have you ran from us?" it said. It dropped me back to the floor where the creature placed its hand on its cloak to remove it. What I saw then was different. The horrendous creature... [TO BE CONTINUED]
haha....i wanna make it a really long story.....gimme a couple days then i'll release the next few paragraphs :twisted: